David J Prokopetz (Posts tagged cartography)

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"Hidden supernatural world" RPG with an ostensibly contemporary setting where the boundaries on the illustrated map in the setting lore chapter's section on global politics clearly depict an extant Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is never addressed in the text.


concepts gaming tabletop roleplaying tabletop rpgs game design cartography worldbuilding

Pirate captain punctuates their speech about the crew’s next grand adventure by dramatically stabbing the map spread out on the wooden table before them with a slender steel pin with a little flag on the end (because the ship’s cartographer gave them a very stern talking-to for using a dagger last time), only the pin strikes a knot in the wood and fails to find purchase, flexing under the force of the captain’s flourish as its tip skitters across the table, dragging an inch-long trench in the map – then the captain’s grip falters, and the pin, straightening, shoots up past their face and out of sight, announcing its departure with an audible “ping”.

vignette pirates age of sail maps cartography

Fun fact: the phrase HC SVNT DRACONES (”here be dragons”) appears on only two historical maps or globes – one of which is believed to be a copy of the other – and probably refers to literal Komodo dragons, rather than being a marker of unknown territory.

The actual phrase that was used to denote unknown territory by Medieval cartographers was HC SVNT LEONES (”here be lions”), and other phrases to this effect; modern depictions typically swap “lions” for “dragons” because lions are no longer considered mythical creatures, which makes the historically accurate version sound weird to contemporary audiences.


history mythology cartography anachronism