This is a delightful period drama starring Kunihiko Mitamura. While many period dramas are based on real people, this is a completely original work. Each of the four characters, Ametaro, Miki, Otojiro, and Inokichi, has an official ...See moreThis is a delightful period drama starring Kunihiko Mitamura. While many period dramas are based on real people, this is a completely original work. Each of the four characters, Ametaro, Miki, Otojiro, and Inokichi, has an official occupation, and the main point of the film is that they stand up against evil while maintaining their "commoner"s standpoint". Kotaro Satomi plays the leader of the "Shadow Eighteen" with his performance as a key element of the film. The film was directed by veteran directors Sawai Shinichiro, Murakawa Toru, and Makiguchi Yuji.
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