Lost without his dearly departed Eloise, a hopeless romantic named Travis seeks the help of a local Voodoo priest to resurrect his love. Armed with a magic candle, Travis raises Eloise from the dead...only to find that he has awoken a ...See moreLost without his dearly departed Eloise, a hopeless romantic named Travis seeks the help of a local Voodoo priest to resurrect his love. Armed with a magic candle, Travis raises Eloise from the dead...only to find that he has awoken a rotting corpse. The couple returns to the Voodoo priest, who restores Eloise's beauty and cautions Travis: kiss Eloise before the candle burns out and he'll never lose her again. As the candle melts away and the night wears on, Travis begins to suspect that Eloise isn't the perfect person he remembered. Travis must examine his relationship with the girl he once mourned and ask himself if beauty is truly only skin deep. Written by
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