Based on the manga and anime movie with the same title, this game focuses on the story set in Tokyo a couple of decades after the original series. While the anime and game stories don"t have direct connection, the game setting is based on ...See moreBased on the manga and anime movie with the same title, this game focuses on the story set in Tokyo a couple of decades after the original series. While the anime and game stories don"t have direct connection, the game setting is based on the same world as in the original series. While Saya is the protagonist of the original story, this story features a young boy who is a high-school student, as the protagonist. One day, while riding a subway, he experiences the strangest sensation... he starts hearing a demonic voice that no one else can hear. This soon starts to affect his daily life and drive him towards madness, but then Saya, the last remaining original vampire enters his life.
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