In an unknown galaxy far from the Milky Way, a war is waging between Tilde Fleet, a group of humanoids, and the Ver"Mith, robotic vehicles led by Faintear. Two female Triggerheart pilots, Exelica and her sister Crueltear, were fighting off...See moreIn an unknown galaxy far from the Milky Way, a war is waging between Tilde Fleet, a group of humanoids, and the Ver"Mith, robotic vehicles led by Faintear. Two female Triggerheart pilots, Exelica and her sister Crueltear, were fighting off the Ver"Mith until a portal opened, sucking the two girls in. Exelica and Crueltear found themselves on Earth, where they decide to make it their new home planet, until another portal opened, the Ver"Mith having followed the two there. The Ver"Mith forces quickly overwhelm Earth"s defenses, and now it is up to Exelica and Crueltear to defeat the Ver"Mith and save Earth. Written by
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