(19 titles)
Role / Position
Company / Director
Pericles : Prince of Tyre
A Noise Within Theatre / Julia Rodriguez-Elliot
Claire / Principle
Atwater Theatre / Mathew Moy
A Christmas Carol
A Noise Within Theatre / Julia Rodriguez-Elliot
Grizzly Mama
Laurel / Principle
Dobama Theatre / Laura Kepley
One Night Stands
Sara / Principle
Avery-Schreiber Theatre
Dark Ride
Margo / Supporting
Convergence-Continuum / Geoffrey Hoffman
Lucy / Principle
Convergence-Continuum / Arthur Grothe
Little Eddie"s Mother
Greek Chorus / Supporting
Cleveland Public Theatre / Fred Gloor
Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy...
Athena / Supporting
The Riverstreet Playhouse / Vonnie Pilarczyk
The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
Comet / Supporting
The Riverstreet Playhouse / Vonnie Pilarczyk
Clown 2 / Ensemble / Supporting
Wright-Curtis / Mark Monday
The Universal Language
Dawn Devito / Principle
Erdmann-Zucchero Theatre / Sarah Coon
Phillip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread
Woman #1 / Principle
Erdmann-Zucchero Theatre / Sarah Coon
Ashes to Ashes
Rebecca / Principle
BOO-5 Blackbox Theatre / Dan Taylor
Six Characters in Search of an Author
Madame Pace / Actor / Supporting
BOO-5 Blackbox Theatre / Katherine Burke
The Crucible
Abigail / Principle
Tri-C Western Stage / Robert Ellis
Laundry and Bourbon
Amy Lee Fullernoy / Supporting
Tri-C Western Stage / Robert Ellis
A Midsummer Night"s Dream
Puck/Philostrate / Principle
Tri-C Western Stage / Arthur Grothe
The Russian Comedy
Anastasia / Principle
Tri-C Western Stage / Robert Ellis