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We rethink the circular economy

PreZero is an innovation driver to create a world in which resources are no longer wasted. We do everything we can to close as many loops as possible. With the aim: keep this planet a healthy place for future generations.

Our services at a glance

Two Bluegreen flags with the company name PreZero on it, a big brickhouse en a blue sky in the background

About PreZero

Fresh thinking for a cleaner tomorrow

We are dedicated to a world, in which efficient closed-loops protect our environment and create sustainable value. We want to preserve resources and reduce the amount of waste that cannot be recycled to zero – in other words, PreZero. PreZero is an international environmental service provider specializing in waste and recycling management. Working closely with our customers, we combine economy and ecology and thus support their sustainable and successful development with the main objective of closing the loops.



Achieving success together

Are you willing to develop your skills in waste and recycling management ? Are you looking for a new challenge in the field of environmental innovations ?

We are looking for motivated people for our sorting facility and innovation drivers for our national sales team.

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