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# New Relic's Open Source Elixir Agent

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The Open-Source Elixir Agent allows you to monitor your `Elixir` applications with New Relic. It helps you track transactions, distributed traces and other parts of your application's behavior and provides an overview of underlying [BEAM activity](

[View the Documentation](

### Support Statement

New Relic has open-sourced this project to enable monitoring of `Elixir` applications. This project is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR SUPPORT, although you can report issues and contribute to the project here on GitHub.

### Contributing

We'd love to get your contributions to improve the elixir agent! Keep in mind when you submit your pull request, you'll need to sign the CLA via the click-through using CLA-Assistant. If you'd like to execute our corporate CLA, or if you have any questions, please drop us an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). 

## Installation

Install the [Hex package](

* Erlang/OTP 21
* Elixir 1.8

defp deps do
    {:new_relic_agent, "~> 1.0"}

## Configuration

You need to set a few required configuration keys so we can authenticate properly.

#### Via Application config

config :new_relic_agent,
  app_name: "My App",
  license_key: "license_key"

#### Via Environment variables

You can also configure these attributes via `ENV` vars, which helps keep secrets out of source code.


## Instrumentation

Out of the box, we will report Error Traces & some general BEAM VM stats. For further visibility, you'll need to add some basic instrumentation.

#### Telemetry

Some Elixir packages are auto-instrumented via [`telemetry`](

* [`Plug`]( See [NewRelic.Telemetry.Plug]( for details.
* [`Ecto`]( See [NewRelic.Telemetry.Ecto]( for details.

#### Function Tracing

* `NewRelic.Tracer` enables detailed Function tracing. Annotate a function and it'll show up as a span in Transaction Traces / Distributed Traces, and we'll collect aggregate stats about it. Install it by adding `use NewRelic.Tracer` to any module, and annotating any function with `@trace` module attribute

defmodule MyModule do
  use NewRelic.Tracer

  @trace :func
  def func do
    # Will report as `MyModule.func/0`

* `NewRelic.Tracer` also enables detailed External request tracing. A little more instrumentation is required to pass the trace context forward with Distributed Tracing.

defmodule MyExternalService do
  use NewRelic.Tracer

  @trace {:request, category: :external}
  def request(method, url, headers) do
    NewRelic.set_span(:http, url: url, method: method, component: "HttpClient")
    headers = headers    NewRelic.distributed_trace_headers(:http)
    HttpClient.request(method, url, headers)

#### Pre-Instrumented Modules

* `NewRelic.Instrumented.Mix.Task` To enable the Agent and record a Transaction during a `Mix.Task`, simply `use NewRelic.Instrumented.Mix.Task`. This will ensure the agent is properly started, record the Transaction, and shut down.

defmodule Mix.Tasks.Example do
  use Mix.Task
  use NewRelic.Instrumented.Mix.Task

  def run(args) do
    # ...

* `NewRelic.Instrumented.HTTPoison` Automatically wraps HTTP calls in a span, and adds an outbound header to track the request as part of a Distributed Trace.

alias NewRelic.Instrumented.HTTPoison

#### Other Transactions

You may start an "Other" Transaction for non-HTTP related work. This could used be while consuming messages from a broker, for example.

To start an other transaction:

NewRelic.start_transaction(category, name)

And to stop the transaction within the same process:


#### Adapters

There are a few adapters which leverage this agent to provide library / framework specific instrumentation. Note that these will eventually be replaced with `telemetry` based instrumentation.

* `Phoenix`
* `Absinthe`