English: Sieving: The Gari is sieved to separate coarse particles, with a standard size sieve to produce fine granules. A grinder is used to break the large granules into smaller ones.
Roasting: The grits are then roasted or fryed in a hot frying tray or pan to form the final dry and crispy product. Gari is normally white or cream, but will be yellow when made from yellow cassava roots or when fried with palm oil. It is important to make sure the taste and smell is acceptable to local consumers. Yellow cassava roots and palm oil are rich in vitamin A and therefore make nutritious gari. The roasted gari are spread on a raised platform in the open air to cool and dry.
dzielić się – kopiować, rozpowszechniać, odtwarzać i wykonywać utwór
modyfikować – tworzyć utwory zależne
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