Beata Stelmach

Beata Stelmach

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie, Polska
3 tys. obserwujących 500 kontaktów


I am strategic thinking and business-minded CEO, Executive and Non-Executive Expert experienced in the public (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and private sectors (Aviation, Energy and Power, New Technology, Capital Markets).
My previous operating and managerial experience derives from global corporations. I managed the functioning of PZL-Świdnik, which is a part of Leonardo Helicopters. I was also representing the entire portfolio of GE businesses and companies in Poland and the Baltics. During the economic transformation I was engaged in the development of capital markets working at the Polish Securities and Exchange Commission.

As a result, I am very familiar with the specifics of business and economic conditions in Central and Eastern Europe. Besides, I have an extensive network of business contacts and experience in working with clients from the aviation, energy, financial or hi-tech sectors, and among government stakeholders in the region. I can shape the dialogue and I possess cross-sectional expertise – in business and administration.

I am engaged in various initiatives to support women with leadership potential and to develop their professional careers

I hold an MBA from INSEAD, as well as from Calgary University.

Autor artykułów: Beata Stelmach


Dołącz, aby zobaczyć całą aktywność


  • Bank Millennium – grafika

    Bank Millennium

    Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    Wroclaw Metropolitan Area

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    Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland


  •  – grafika

Licencje i certyfikaty


  • Digital Transformation Expert

    Digital University

  • GE Leadership Institute Crotonville


  • Kierowania działalnością gosp. w zakr. wytwarzania i obrotu materiałami wybuchowymi, bronią, amunicją

    Zaświadczenie Nr 116/2019

Wyróżnienia i nagrody

  • Best Manager 2015

    Bloomberg Businessweek Polska


    Minister of Economy

  • Knight’s Cross of Polonia Restituta Order

    President of Republic of Poland

    Knight’s Cross of Polonia Restituta Order for outstanding contribution in the foreign service and work achievements undertaken for the benefit of the country and diplomatic activity.


  • English

    Pełna biegłość zawodowa

  • Russian

    Biegłość na poziomie zaawansowanym

  • Polish

    Język ojczysty lub biegłość dwujęzyczna


  • The Association of Independent Non-Executive Directors (Poland)


    – obecnie
  • Vital Voices Chapter Poland


    – obecnie

    Vital Voices Global Partnership is an international non-governmental organisation that supports global women leadership.

  • Polish Confederation Lewiatan

    Vice President

    Polish organization, a member of BusinessEurope, the largest community of European entrepreneurs

  • Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)

    Member of the Council

    PISM is a leading think tank in Central Europe that provides analytical support to decisionmakers and diplomats.

  • Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE)

    Member of the Committee

    Insurance services to Polish entrepreneurs

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