

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne

Gliwice, Śląskie 450 obserwujących

Software house | We convert your ideas into innovative software solution


NubiSoft - Your Partner in Development Solutions! 🌐 We specialize in driving digital, technological, and data success for companies worldwide, primarily focusing on Europe and the USA. As a reliable provider of quality IT services, we excel in various industries, with a strong emphasis on healthcare, e-commerce, and logistics. 💡 What sets us apart? At NubiSoft, we specialize in cooperation with the healthcare sector, having successfully implemented numerous projects with big players, such as Docplanner Group. We integrate external software with Poland's national e-health systems (P1) and other services. Our extensive experience and a detailed analysis of client needs, translate into tangible value through business development and problem elimination in day-to-day operations. In addition to that, we have a deep-rooted expertise in e-commerce. Our teams collaborate seamlessly to enhance the online retail experience, providing tailored solutions for businesses navigating the dynamic e-commerce landscape. We develop dedicated solutions for online stores and plugins for large e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, PrestaShop, and WooCommerce, providing new opportunities to run online stores. ✨ Our expertise: ➡️ Software development and maintenance services ➡️ Business and process digitalization ➡️ Modernization of legacy systems ➡️ UX & UI Design Services ➡️ Automation of processes ➡️ Software testing services ➡️ Technology consulting 🤝 Let's work together: NubiSoft is ready to help your business thrive in the digital era. Connect with us for problem-solving or to bring your new ideas to life. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you! 🌟

Usługi i doradztwo informatyczne
Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Gliwice, Śląskie
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
HL7 (V2, V3, CDA, FHIR), DICOM, IHE, OpenEHR, Frontend (Vue.js, React.js, Nuxt.js, HTML5, Angular), Deployment (Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Rancher), Cloud (AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, GCP, OVH, Vultr, Linode), CI/CD (Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Ansible, Junit, Spock), Blockchain/DLT, Databases (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached, Cassandra, Lucene), Process modelling (UML, BPMN, BPEL), Data communication (REST, SOAP, WebRTC, JMS, STOMP, Kafka, XMPP), Java/JVM, Node.js, Spring Boot, Python, Data Science , Medical, Shopify, WooCommerce, AI, E-commerce i Custom Development


Pracownicy NubiSoft


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Let's talk about physician burnout… 🔥 Studies show alarmingly high #burnout rates among physicians, with emergency physicians experiencing the highest at 65%.  #Internal medicine and #pediatrics follow closely behind at 60% and 59%, respectively. A major contributing factor is the overwhelming #administrative burden, with physicians spending an average of 9.2 hours per week on these tasks. 😵💫 The good news is that artificial intelligence is already offering solutions to alleviate this problem. A recent survey by ZnanyLekarz revealed that 75% of physicians consider the ability to reduce administrative work a key factor in adopting #AI. 🤗 What AI solutions can realistically help reduce the administrative burden? 👉 Medical record #scribes – these tools listen to the patient's live interview and generate summaries of the visit, freeing up doctors' valuable time. Examples? ZnanyLekarz's AI assistant, Heidi Health, Freed. 👉 #Chatbots – these can streamline various patient service processes. In our article on real-world applications of #LLMs in healthcare, we describe the case study of Limbic, a chatbot that successfully supported patient registration and garnered a 98% approval rating. 📰 Read more here: 👉 #Optimizing administrative processes – AI algorithms can enhance the management of healthcare facilities, potentially saving millions, as seen in Mercy Hospital's $30 million savings through AI implementation. 📰 We wrote about it here: At NubiSoft, we focus on developing specialized AI solutions for the healthcare industry. We are here to help your organization implement AI responsibly and effectively. DM Piotr or Łukasz if you have any questions. ------- sources:

    • The image presents information about burnout rates among medical professionals.

Top Three Specialties:

The top three medical specialties with the highest burnout rates are:

Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine

Major Causes of Burnout:

The image also includes a stacked bar chart illustrating the major causes of physician burnout:

Excessive bureaucratic tasks: The most significant contributor, accounting for 62% of burnout cases.

Long work hours: A close second, responsible for 41% of burnout.

Lack of respect from administrators and colleagues: Making up 40% of burnout cases.

The bar chart is color-coded, with each segment representing a different cause and its corresponding percentage. The segments are arranged in descending order of contribution to burnout.
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Why are we called NubiSoft? 🤔 The story behind our name ☁️ The name "NubiSoft" was formed from a combination of the words "Nubes", which means clouds in Latin, and "Software" as an expression of what we do, which is software development 💻 Initially, #cloud technologies were the core of our business. We specialized (and still do) in: ✅ Migrating data, applications, and entire infrastructures to the cloud  ✅ Developing cloud-based applications  ✅ Integrating cloud applications with various services  ✅ Implementing DevOps and CI/CD practices  While we began as a cloud-centric company, our expertise has expanded to encompass a broader range of software development services 👩💻 Nevertheless, the NubiSoft name has remained and is beautifully displayed in our logo, refined by the #talented designer Basia Bochenczak 🌟

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Data in medicine - some interesting statistics 🗃️ Do you know how much health #data is generated in the medical sector? ⚠️ Statista reports that the #healthcare industry had produced around 2.3 zettabytes (2.3 x 10²¹ bytes) of data by 2020, which is equivalent to approximately 2.3 trillion gigabytes. According to the World Economic Forum, the average hospital generates 50 #petabytes of data per year. And how much of that data is actually being used by hospitals? According to Microsoft, only about 3%❗❗ 3%!🚨 By fragmenting healthcare data, #silos create obstacles to research, drive up expenses, and prevent #AI from reaching its full potential, as AI models require integrated, structured data to function effectively. 📈 With healthcare data growing at a rate of 47% annually, interoperability is becoming increasingly critical for healthcare advancement. --- Sources:

    • The challenge of siloed medical information

By 2020, the healthcare sector produced over 2.3 zettabytes of data, Statista says.

According to the World Economic Forum, the average hospital generates approximately 50 petabytes of data, 

According to Microsoft, about 97% of this data goes unused.
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    What is #WISMO? 🤔 If you run an online store, you've probably had to deal with WISMO's "where is my order" problem. These days, customers want to know what is happening with their orders NOW 🏃 So if they don't have that information, then... they call you or the order service. Or they write messages with the exact question: "Where is my order?!” ⚠️ A Sendcloud study found that during peak season, WISMO-related calls can account for more than 35% of all customer service inquiries! Not only does this frustrate customers, it also frustrates your staff! How to tackle WISMO? 🎯 To reduce the impact of this phenomenon, you can implement systems that allow real-time #tracking of shipments. It is slowly becoming the standard. A study by Accenture found that most online shoppers (66%) want real-time #order tracking, and 75% are willing to pay extra for it! Most vendors offer tracking within their #ecosystems (a great example is InPost, which provides lots of details about the current status of a package). All you have to do is send the customer a tracking link and that’s it! ✅ But what about orders that require more steps than just packing and shipping? How do you get that information to the customer? 🔎 One way is to implement a system that tracks the status of each order and sends updates to customers at various stages. Various third-party automation tools, such as Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate can do this. These tools can trigger actions based on changes in your database. The customer can be automatically informed about any status change by #SMS or #email 📩 This will certainly lessen the suffering caused by the long wait for order fulfillment. 😉 You can also create a #dedicated order status page for your site, like a customer dashboard. Customers can log in and see real-time updates on their orders without having to contact customer service. This page should display things like: 👉 current status of the online order, 👉 detailed tracking information, 👉 estimated delivery time, 👉 any relevant updates. Such a panel is a good option, especially if you sell products that are personalized in some way and require more time to prepare. 🛠️ 🌟 At NubiSoft we have experience in preparing such functionalities. If your customers call or write and ask about the status of their order - contact Michał or Łukasz. We will find a solution to that. 💪💪

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Do you know what percentage of online shopping carts are #abandoned before purchase? 🛒 According to the Baymard Institute it’s nearly 70%. 70%‼️ But why do shoppers abandon their #carts? Here are some interesting facts: #1 Unexpected extra costs 💸 Depending on the study, results show that anywhere from 40% to 60% of shopping cart abandonment is due to unexpected additional costs such as shipping, taxes, or other fees. #2 Forced account creation 🔑 The second most common reason for abandoning shopping carts is the need to create a new account in the store system - up to 37% #3 Complex #checkout process 😵💫 A complicated or time-consuming ordering process makes customers more likely to abandon their shopping carts. Each extra step, especially those asking for new information, increases this risk. In fact, 28% of online shoppers abandon their purchases because of this. How to combat this challenge? 🤔 We have prepared a special graphic that compares 3 types of notifications: #email,#push and #sms. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, although, in our opinion, SMS communication wins over the others – it has the highest #deliverability and #effectiveness.🏆 How do you send text messages to your customers? There are several ways. You can use: 👉 specialized #plugins (depends on the platform you have a store on) 👉 functionality of some large systems for automation (Twilio, Zapier, Make) 👉 Use third-party SMS services (SMSAPI) or... 👉 you can get a customized solution tailored to the specifics of your business. Not sure what to choose? DM to Robert or Łukasz – we can help you find the perfect way to tackle your challenges.

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

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    Implementing AI in medicine is not a piece of cake 🍰 Some projects can only be described as failures -> see IBM Watson. What conclusions can we draw? We studied reports from several pilot implementations of AI tools in hospitals. The resulting descriptions highlighted several factors that influence the adoption rate of AI tools by medical professionals. Here are a few that we found most interesting: ⭐ Transparency and comprehensibility Doctors need to understand how AI tools operate, specifically what data these tools use in their decisions. They also want to see the reasoning process. For instance, doctors at Sentara and UC San Diego Health stress that AI tools must be clear, and doctors should be actively engaged in AI-driven decision-making. Understandably, the doctor wants to make sure that the program takes all factors into account. 💡Protip for you: Transparency and involvement are key for effective AI integration in healthcare. Avoid creating "black box" solutions. To gain the physician's trust, it is necessary to show what information the algorithm is using to make one decision and not another. ⭐ Integration with clinical workflows: An AI tool being a separate, third-party program is often considered by healthcare professionals to be cumbersome to use, leading directly to low adoption rates. Proper integration - with the physician's workflow on the one hand, and with the hospital's deployed IT systems on the other - results in AI tools supporting, rather than hindering, clinical operations. 💡 Protip for you: try to integrate your AI tools with existing workflows and with the hospital's already implemented IT systems. ⭐ Human oversight: There is a strong preference for retaining the human factor in AI-enabled processes. For example, at UC San Diego Health, AI-generated responses in electronic health records (EHRs) must be reviewed and edited by clinicians before being sent to patients, so a human always has to be in the loop. 💡 Protip for you: design your tools so that chatbot results are always checked by a competent human. You can use the limited trust framework for this purpose, which we wrote about here: If you want more of this kind of information, be sure to read the latest article on our blog. 👇👇 💡 Based on our experience and market information, we've written about what doctors expect from AI tools. In the article, you'll find answers to questions such as    👉 How do doctors feel about using AI in their practice? 👉 What worries do doctors have about AI in medicine? 👉 What features are doctors hoping to see in AI tools? Here is the link - enjoy reading! 📚

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

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    Hey Devoxx Poland! 👋 You know that at NubiSoft we like to help our employees #grow 🌱 That's why, among other things, we organize skillups – our internal #tech mini-conferences. But from time to time we also go to big tech conferences. We mean REALLY big. 💥 Devoxx Poland is a premier event renowned for its high-quality technical content, including diverse tracks on architecture, #Java, #big data & #AI, and more. It attracts over 2,700 attendees from 20 countries, offering fantastic networking opportunities. The conference also features hands-on workshops and coding sessions, providing practical skills and knowledge. Michał from our team, told us, that he had a fantastic time, gaining valuable insights and connecting with industry leaders. It was a truly enriching experience that will benefit our team and company—looking forward to next year's event! – btw. Michał recently wrote an article about reactive approach titled: “10x Faster SERP after moving to reactive approach”. If you are interested in this topic, be sure to read it!

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

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    Thank you HLTH Europe! 💜

    Die HLTH Europe in Amsterdam ging heute zu Ende. Zusammen mit unserem NubiSoft GmbH Chief Product Officer Piotr Zelaznicki habe ich die Konferenz besucht – und es hat sich definitiv gelohnt. Vielen Dank an alle, mit denen wir interessante Gespräche führen konnten. Zusammen können wir durch gemeinsame Projekte und Initiativen viel zum Besseren im #Gesundheitswesen verändern. Es war die erste Edition des Events in Europa, was an der relativ überschaubaren Anzahl der Aussteller und Besucher zu erkennen war (andere vergleichbare Messen oder Konferenzen in Deutschland oder Europa sind meist umfangreicher). Die Organisation der Konferenz, die Paneldiskussionen und die Side-Events wie das Networking waren dafür erstklassig. Die meisten Paneldiskussionen sowie unsere Gespräche mit potenziellen Geschäftspartnern drehten sich um die Zukunft des #Gesundheitswesens in der Ära der Künstlichen Intelligenz #GenAI #KI. Es wurde auch viel über die #Dateninteroperabilität im Gesundheitswesen sowie die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und #Longevity mithilfe von digitalen #Healthcare-Lösungen gesprochen. Die Konferenz hatte auch einen sehr internationalen Charakter – die Referenten kamen nicht nur aus Europa (#Deutschland, #Frankreich, #UK, #Finnland, #Dänemark, den #Niederlanden, #Belgien, #Portugal, #Italien, #Slowenien, #Schweden, #Polen, #Spanien, der #Schweiz sondern auch aus dem Übersee und anderen Ecken der Welt (#USA, #Kanada, #Israel, #Australien). Aus den Diskussionen ging deutlich hervor, dass nicht nur wir in Deutschland mit vielen Problemen zu kämpfen haben, sondern auch andere Länder nach effizienten Lösungen für ihre Herausforderungen suchen. NubiSoft GmbH NubiSoft #gemeinsammehr #nubiSoft #GenAi #KI, #HLTH

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Two quick questions: Question 1: Are you developing AI for the medical sector❓ Question 2: Do you have a spare 8 minutes❓ If the answer to the above is yes, then you should definitely read our recent blog article titled: "What Do Doctors Really Think About AI in Medicine?" Here are 5 reasons why it's worth your time: 👉 Reason 1: Because it's about what doctors think about artificial intelligence.  If you're implementing this kind of technology, it's worth knowing what doctors think about AI - spoiler alert: yes, they have specific and legitimate concerns. 👉 Reason 2: It contains insights, statistics, and indicators. Our article is not a marketing-type, GPT-generated fairy tale about the hypothetical application of AI in medicine. It is written by a human and contains concrete, real data, statistics and opinions – always sourced. 👉 Reason 3: You will learn what to avoid when designing your product. Some pilot implementations, despite their positive impact on healthcare, have not been well received by physicians. Why is that? Because the opinions of physicians, the end users, were ignored in the concept phase. Read our article and learn from the mistakes of others, not your own - it's cheaper that way. 👉 Reason 4: Learn how to promote your product to avoid negative positioning Many in the medical field have strong views on AI in healthcare, thanks to the growing attention it gets. These views can make it hard for AI-based products to be accepted. Our recent article looks at these biases closely, giving you the information you need to address people's concerns. 👉 Reason 5: You will learn what doctors expect from such tools. We have dedicated an entire chapter to what doctors want from AI tools and how to increase the likelihood that your product will be accepted. It’s the most important part. If you can't read the whole thing, at least read this part. ⭐ Bonus point: the article is short, you can read it in less than 10 minutes ;) Link to the article is in the first comment 🙂

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika NubiSoft; grafika

    450 obserwujących

    Have you ever faced a situation where a customer orders an item that’s out of stock? Or perhaps you’ve found your #warehouse overflowing with products that aren’t selling? Traditional inventory management methods, including those based on paper records and static spreadsheets, are time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to error. 🚫 Statistics show that when customers order something from a site and instead of receiving an order confirmation, they receive a message that the product is out of stock, 45% of the time they will not shop there again. Inventory chaos also creates unnecessary costs associated with #overstocking and #understocking. According to statistics, the amount is as high as $818 billion per year - 52% of which is due to out-of-stocks and 44% of which is due to overstocks. 😱 Let's look at the statistics: 👉 Only 63% of US retail operations maintain accurate inventory records. 👉 34% of businesses have sold products that were not actually in stock, leading to delays and customer dissatisfaction. 👉 43% of small businesses do not actively monitor their inventory, and 21% admit they have no stock at all at times. The good news? These challenges can be overcome, or at least reduced. Here’s how technology can make a difference: ⭐ #IMS - Also referred to as an inventory system, is the method used to monitor your products throughout your entire supply chain, from the point of purchase through manufacturing and ultimately to final sales. This is key to preventing potential problems such as over-selling and over-stocking across all sales channels. ⭐ #Automation - All warehouse processes could be automated with the help of sensors and analytics, leading to real-time inventory visibility. 72% of retailers want to adopt this approach to revolutionize their supply chain. Due to automation, errors in the process of automation have been reduced to a great extent. ⭐ #Demand forecasting tools - companies can implement demand forecasting and analysis tools to understand and anticipate consumer needs. This allows inventory levels to be adjusted to avoid overstocking and product shortages. In summary, updating inventory remains a challenge that generates significant losses. With the right systems in place, these losses can be significantly reduced. If you run an online store and are having problems #tracking your inventory, contact us. We can help you choose and implement the right system to keep track of your orders and inventory. — Michał Skorus from our team recently wrote a helpful blog post about setting up webhooks on the #Shopify platform. For example, the #InventoryLevel webhook can allow you to receive a low stock notification and automatically place an order for more stock. Webhooks can also send triggers to notify you when a product's ideal inventory level is exceeded. Check out this post to learn how to set up webhooks in your store:

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