Cargo Expert Group

Cargo Expert Group

Transport ciężarowy

Nowy Tomyśl, Wielkopolskie 863 obserwujących

Cargo Expert Group is leading trailer-trucking provider.


Cargo Expert Group is leading trailer-trucking provider.

Transport ciężarowy
Wielkość firmy
201-500 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Nowy Tomyśl, Wielkopolskie
Spółka prywatna
Trucking , Transport, Trouble-free road transport i Trailer-trucking


Pracownicy Cargo Expert Group


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    863 obserwujących

    **At the April H2POLAND Fair Focused on Hydrogen as the Fuel of the Future, the Quantron QLI FCEV #Vehicle Was Presented.** This 4.2-ton delivery vehicle, thanks to various design variants, can be used in industries such as logistics or municipal services. The payload of QLI FCEV is similar to that of a comparably sized vehicle with a diesel engine. A special feature of Quantron's design is that all drive components are stored in the chassis, which means there are no restrictions related to body construction. The vehicle is produced in Germany and is based on #Iveco #Daily. "The engine has a power of 150 kW, and the vehicle's range exceeds 400 km. Hydrogen tanks are composite, and a 37 kW battery allows you to drive about 50 km in case the hydrogen runs out," informs Tomasz Iwaszkiewicz, head of marketing at #QuantronPolska. Source: #wodor #Hydrogen

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    863 obserwujących

    HVO100 – This New Biodiesel Now Available at German Gas Stations! On April 10, the Federal Cabinet paved the way for biodiesel that is made 100% from waste. All diesel engine vehicles can fuel up with it. HVO100 has been publicly available since May 1, 2024. This new fuel is not available at every gas station, but it is "gradually being introduced to the widespread offering," says ADAC, the German automobile club with over 17 million members. The Federal Association of Medium-Sized Energy Enterprises (Uniti) expects that "HVO100 will be particularly interesting for fleet operators," as it will facilitate achieving CO2 emission reduction goals—even for already owned vehicles. Source: #HVO100 #news

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    863 obserwujących

    At Cargo Expert Group, the Offered Trucking Service is Based on a Modern Fleet. Cost-effectiveness, driver safety, and meeting the highest environmental standards are our priorities. We choose reliable models from trusted brands and replace them every few years, ensuring the reliability of our fleet and its high standard. This allows us to guarantee hassle-free transport. See our vehicles here: #CargoExpertGroup #Trucking #Fleet

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    863 obserwujących

    Scania Launches Sales of Autonomous Trucks for Mining! This marks a significant step forward in modern transportation. Scania has opened orders for a 40-ton autonomous mining dump truck, with a 50-ton model soon to follow. Sales will initially launch in Australia, where deliveries and operations are planned to commence in 2026. Latin America, a region where Scania has a significant presence in the mining segment, will be next in line. "Transitioning from R&D to commercial product introduction is a milestone for us and for autonomous heavy transport. This is the most advanced product Scania has introduced to the market so far," says Peter Hafmar, Vice President and Director of Autonomous Solutions at Scania. Source: #Scania #news

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    863 obserwujących

    June 5: Transport and Logistics Poland and the Association of International Road Transport Carriers Launched Another Joint Campaign to Defend Road Transport.**Advertising trucks with loudspeakers took to the streets of Warsaw for 8 hours, not missing the areas around the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Polish Parliament, and the Ministry of Infrastructure. The campaign was organized so as not to disturb the lives of residents. "Despite the catastrophic situation, we are not organizing gatherings and protests on the roads today for two important reasons. First, we do not want our protests to harm ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs, and the Polish economy, for which we work. Secondly, we do not want a confrontation with the Government, counting on real cooperation," explains Maciej Wroński, President of Transport and Logistics Poland. The campaign aims to draw public and political attention to the dramatic situation of road carriers and to prompt the Government to take immediate stabilizing and supportive actions for the industry. Source:

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    863 obserwujących

    What is Trucking and How Does It Work? Trucking is a service where a client contracts a tractor along with a driver at their disposal. By using trucking at Cargo Expert Group, all you need to worry about is the size of your trailer loads and the proper flow of goods. At the agreed time, we provide the contracted tractors and drivers who work exclusively for you. Our dispatchers keep their finger on the pulse and keep you informed about everything during the execution of the order. Have questions? We are at your disposal: #cargoexpertgroup #trucking #client

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    863 obserwujących

    Pracujesz w transporcie i chciałbyś dołączyć do organizacji, gdzie oprócz pracy ważni są ludzie i przyjazna atmosfera ? A może dopiero zastanawiasz się czy to praca dla Ciebie ? Dołącz do team'u Cargo Expert Group ! Zobacz jak się pracuje u jednego z liderów rynku przewozów kontraktowych, dostarczającego usługę truckingu. Aplikuj na stanowisko: Dyspozytor Miejsce pracy: Nowy Tomyśl Twoje zadania: ✔️ Bezpośrednia współpraca z zagranicznymi klientami, ✔️ Realizacja otrzymanych zleceń w międzynarodowym transporcie drogowym, ✔️ Ustalanie tras i wytyczanie korytarzowania dla przydzielonych ciągników, ✔️ Monitoring przydzielonych ciągników w zakresie prawidłowości przebiegu wykonywanej trasy oraz realizowanych zleceń transportowych, ✔️ Dbałość o dobre relacje z partnerami i klientami, ✔️ Współpraca z podległym zespołem kierowców. To Ci gwarantujemy: ✔️ Twój komfort pracy i odpowiednie narzędzia to dla nas podstawa – dlatego zapewniamy pracę w nowoczesnym i ultrafajnym biurze, ✔️U nas nie będziesz się martwił/a o stabilność zatrudnienia – oferujemy umowę o pracę, ✔️Kulturę organizacji, która wie jak ważna jest dobra i koleżeńska atmosfera w pracy, ✔️ Od pierwszego dnia wdrożenia będziesz miał/a wsparcie opiekuna, który bezstresowo wprowadzi Cię w naszą organizację – stawiamy na wartościowy onboarding. Dołącz do nas jeśli: ✔️ Znasz język angielski lub niemiecki (warunek konieczny) na poziomie umożliwiającym swobodną komunikację. ✔️ Dodatkowo znasz język ukraiński i/lub rosyjski – mile widziany atut ! ✔️ Pracowałeś/aś z pakietem MS Office. ✔️ Lubisz podejmować inicjatywę; komunikacja z innymi nie stanowi dla Ciebie problemu, a do tego jesteś rzetelny/a i skrupulatny/a. ✔️ Wyzwania są dla Ciebie czymś ekscytującym, a do nowych pomysłów podchodzisz z entuzjazmem. 📧 [email protected] 📞 48 607 801 905 Pozwól się dostrzec! – prześlij nam swoje CV wraz z załączoną klauzulą: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych podanych w CV na potrzeby obecnej i przyszłych procesów rekrutacji, prowadzonych przez Cargo Expert Group” #praca #work #CargoExpertGroup

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    863 obserwujących

    A modern fleet is an image asset for any company. For this reason, the vehicles owned by Cargo Expert Group include over 150 modern tractors that meet EURO 6 emission standards. They are equipped with the latest devices ensuring safety and guaranteeing fast and efficient transport of goods. – "The average age of our trucks is 1.5 years. We know that a young fleet not only means a lower risk of breakdowns but also a good image. We give customers the assurance that their trailers will be pulled by trucks that look good and reinforce a consistent image of reliable transport," says Arkadiusz Kierzek, CEO of Cargo Expert Group. #CargoExpertGroup #trucking #expertsintrucking #fleet

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    At Cargo Expert Group, we are a team of competent, responsible, and experienced professionals ready to take care of transportation for you. As experts in trucking, we know how to provide services in such a way as to ensure quality and efficiency, thus being a stable partner for #logistics operators and international road transport forwarding. Get to know us better: #CargoExpertGroup #Trucking

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