Inspired by go-cloudstack, which is entirely generated, this tool aims at
finding errors in the implementation of the interfaces. Because naming things
are hard, going full code generation seems far fetched at the current times.
Download the API definition from your CloudStack instance using the famous cs cli tool.
$ cs listApis > listApis.json
Find all errors
Reading the Go code and the JSON description (-apis
) it lists the errors per struct.
$ go run generate/main.go -apis listApis.json
Find specific error
Then, inspect the errors of a particular command using -cmd
$ go run generate/main.go -apis listApis.json -cmd deleteSnapshot
tag:id: missing `doc:"The ID of the snapshot"`
snapshots.go:97.6: DeleteSnapshot has 1 error(s)
Find errors in response
All commands response may also be checked, but you have to give the expected output type.
go run generate/main.go -apis listApis.json -cmd listApis -type API
Nothing more... nothing less...
- Check that the
(Go) matches the command name (JSON).
- Find the corresponding type for the responses.