Generate Protobuf messages from given go structs. No RPC, not gogo syntax, just pure Protobuf messages.
-f string
Protobuf output file path. (default ".")
-filter string
Filter by struct names. Case insensitive.
-p value
Fully qualified path of packages to analyse. Relative paths ("./example/in") are allowed.
Your package you wish to export must be inside of your working directory. Package paths can be fully-qualified or relative.
GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/chenghonour/go2proto
cd ~/go/src/github.com/chenghonour/go2proto
go2proto -f ./example/out -p ./example/in
For Windows use
GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/chenghonour/go2proto
cd ~/go/src/github.com/chenghonour/go2proto
build main.go to go2proto.exe
copy go2proto.exe to $gopath/bin
enjoy it like..
go2proto -f ./example/out -p ./example/in
note: -p ./example/in is a Fully qualified path of go module packages, just use it in your go project path
Generated code may not be perfect but since it just 180 lines of code you are free to adapt it for your needs.