==User Story
As a user, I want the ability to save a soft copy of an article from my desktop computer, so that I can read them later when I'm offline.
As a user, I want the ability to print an article in a printer friendly way.
== Acceptance criteria:
- Create PDF style for browser printing
- Ensure styles are optimal for soft and hard copies (design criteria)
= Subtasks
(to be created upon working on this task)
* The branding will require some changes to ResourceLoaderSkinModule to support display of a different logo in print mode. We'll probably want to look at this PHP code first.
* Style tweaks in print mode
** We're going to make some minor tweaks to typography in print mode
** Broken paddings/margins
** Hide things such as article indicators such as favourite article
** Parts of OCG (to be defined by @Nirzar) will be added
** We will remove certain elements (to be defined)
* We'll need to resolve T24256