Page MenuHomePhabricator search results should not include files from Wikimedia Commons
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The search results here include files from Wikimedia Commons. This is kind of weird. It might be helpful if the Commons search results are of media that's actively used/referenced on the local wiki, but otherwise it's just kind of strange and unexpected to include a foreign wiki's search results alongside the local wiki's, especially without a clear opt-out mechanism.

See also: T94856: Please disable Commons search on OfficeWiki

Event Timeline

MZMcBride raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MZMcBride updated the task description. (Show Details)
MZMcBride changed Security from none to None.
MZMcBride subscribed.
FriedhelmW renamed this task from search results are a bit wonky (including Commons search results) to search results are including Commons files.Feb 28 2015, 8:18 PM
FriedhelmW subscribed.
Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Mar 2 2015, 7:37 AM
Aklapper added a project: CirrusSearch.

We can now use "file:local:cat" for searching local files. See

Getting community consensus on foundationwiki sounds interesting. Who needs to approve this?

Restricted Application added subscribers: Steinsplitter, Matanya. · View Herald Transcript

Getting community consensus on foundationwiki sounds interesting. Who needs to approve this?

Well, Discovery owns search across all of our sites, and I'm the PM for Discovery, so why don't we say me? :-)

Change 234040 had a related patch set uploaded (by Deskana):
Remove files from Commons from search results on

Deskana renamed this task from search results are including Commons files to search results should not include files from Wikimedia Commons.Aug 26 2015, 6:55 PM

Won't this break VisualEditor for inserting images on Foundationwiki?

Won't this break VisualEditor for inserting images on Foundationwiki?

Inserting images from Commons using VisualEditor seems to work just fine on officewiki, and officewiki already had this config change applied to it. Given that, I find it unlikely that this will affect VisualEditor on foundationwiki.

Won't this break VisualEditor for inserting images on Foundationwiki?

No, what VE does is look up the actual file repositories set up on the local wiki and searches each one separately, I don't think it relies on local search to include foreign file repository results.

Change 234040 merged by jenkins-bot:
Remove files from Commons from search results on

Won't this break VisualEditor for inserting images on Foundationwiki?

Inserting images from Commons using VisualEditor seems to work just fine on officewiki, and officewiki already had this config change applied to it.

Oh, interesting. When? This probably explains the complete breakage of media inserting on officewiki we had to fix a few weeks ago…

Oh, interesting. When? This probably explains the complete breakage of media inserting on officewiki we had to fix a few weeks ago…

It was done in this patch, so April 2015.

Deskana claimed this task.
Deskana added a subscriber: thcipriani.

Thanks for the deploy, @Krenair and @thcipriani. Closing as resolved.