Main document: Server-side Javascript error logging RfC.
Implementation steps:
- T525: Review existing JS error logging solutions
- T499: Create error logging JS module
- T500: Create basic endpoint for JS error logging (MVP for vanilla MW)
- T501: Create WMF endpoint for error logging - part 1 (producer)
- T502: Create WMF endpoint for error logging - part 2 (consumer) (experimental MVP for Wikimedia)
- T526: Add sampling and throttling support to JS error logging
- T521: Make sure JS error logging respects user privacy (stable MVP for Wikimedia)
- T519: Improve error id generation in JS error logging
- T514: Collect environment information for JS error logging
- T512: Deal with some browsers providing less details for JS error logging
Harder / experimental stuff:
- T520: Deal with minified scripts in JS error logging
- T507: Measure how many users have CORS-hostile proxies
- T508: Use CORS-enabled fetch of scripts to avoid same-domain limitations in JS error logging
- T513: Wrap scripts with exception handling for automatic JS error logging
(Vague) interface ideas: