To implement T374937: Drop gbw_address and gbw_target_central_id from the global_block_whitelist table, we first need to assign a default value to gbw_address. Once deployed, then we can stop writing to the column and then in a later schema change remove the column. Removal of the column is necessary due to the issues described in T374855#10152646.
- ALTERs to run: /711c68587b37b5beb969817f5d56141fb2b5a027/sql/mysql/patch-global_block_whitelist-default-gbw_address.sql
- Where to run those changes: all.dblist
- When to run those changes: As soon as it is possible
- If the schema change is backwards compatible: Yes
- If the schema change has been tested already on some of the test/beta wikis: Applied to the beta cluster, as GlobalBlocking is installed there
- If the data should be made available on the labs replicas and/or dumps: Table is fully public, and this should not change as part of this schema change