During the expansion of the Codex color palette, as a part of T360494, we decided to keep the current destructive/error text color, which uses #d73333, known as red600. This means that while we updated all other text application tokens (other than gray) to use the 700 color values, we are still using red600 as the destructive and error text in light mode, which does not meet the 4.5:1 contrast required for text elements in all scenarios (T341485).
#d73333 (top) vs. #d74032 (bottom)
#d73333 (top) vs. #bf3c2c (bottom) -- E.g. Red links, in light mode
Acceptance criteria
- red600 is updated to #d74032 as planned during the color expansion to find equal brightness, saturation and contrast with the 600 value of all other colors [excluding gray]
- Application tokens which were using red600 are updated to use red700 (#bf3c2c) with the exclusion of error tokens being updated in T376641
- Make the same updates in Figma