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🎯 Try a solution ourselves by applying one patch operation at a time
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Create a solution on our side:

  • apply one patch operation at a time, introduce an index and count
  • Include the index in the PatchPathException


we're currently applying patch documents by doing something like the following (pseudo code):

$patcher->patch( $target, $patchDocument );

where $patchDocument is a list of patch operations [ $op1, $op2, ..., $opN ].

the workaround (to be removed once we have the proper solution upstream, see T368414) would be to do the following

foreach ( $patchDocument as $i => $op ) {
    try {
        $patcher->patch( $target, [ $op ] );
    } catch ( PathException $e ) {
        // $i is the index of the operation with the bad path

the advantage of applying them one by one is that we know which one exactly is problematic because we have access to the index $i whereas in the code snippet above we don't.