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language-translate2 filled with spambots
Open, In Progress, HighPublic4 Estimated Story Points

Description was running an open registration mediawiki instance filled with spambots until I shut it off a few moments ago. Please fix the spam problem or retire the instance.

It was also trying to send email confirmation mail from an invalid email address.


Event Timeline

PluggableAuth WSOAuth is one of the easier ways to have authenticated accounts in a Cloud VPS/Toolforge hosted MediaWiki. See for an example of how to set that up.

Nikerabbit set the point value for this task to 4.

We had $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true; left at the end of the configuration which was not intended at all. I'll recreate a new instance as cleaning up spam is not possible given the large number of accounts/pages that were created.

Thanks @bd808 for the PluggableAuth, I'll be trying that at the new instance.