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Full Deployment Survey Revisions
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This task tracks revisions to the script used in the enwiki pilot:

  1. Add questions requested by Growth team to enwiki script only:
    1. What other online platforms or websites have you visited in the past 30 days in order to learn or access knowledge?
      • Youtube
      • Quora
      • Reddit
      • Tiktok
      • Instagram
      • ChatGPT
      • Facebook
      • Twitter / X
      • Google / another search engine
      • Another platform not listed above (please enter here): ________
      • I prefer not to answer
    2. Thinking about your use of Wikipedia now compared to one year ago...Do you use Wikipedia:
      • More now than a year ago
      • About the same as a year ago
      • Less now than a year ago
      • I'm not sure
      • I prefer not to say
  2. Remove nonbinary gender categories from the following scripts:
    1. Arabic
    2. Farsi
    3. Indonesian
    4. English (sub-Saharan Africa oversample) (SSA oversamples are being dropped as there is no specific short-term use case for them)
    5. French (sub-Saharan Africa oversample)
  3. Add gender to q16 list of categories of discriminated groups
    1. add gender (in english) to surveys
      • note that for translation purposes, we will simply use the word "gender" sourced from the relevant wikipedias (e.g., "性别" from Simplified Chinese)
      • note that eswiki survey omits "gender" for this item
    2. gender translations
  4. add "caste" to q16 list of categories of discriminated groups for:
    1. English
    2. Hindi (source translation "जाति" from relevant wikipedia article)
  5. Drop q17 and q18
  6. Drop q15 and q16 from the Farsi survey