User story & summary:
As a newcomer, I want to know about Suggested Edits and have the opportunity to "Level up" as I complete Suggested edits, so that I can successfully start contributing.
As the Growth team, I want to ensure we communicate about Leveling up features so that communities are informed and the release goes smoothly.
Background & research:
The Leveling up features focus on encouraging newcomers to progress to more valuable tasks. Ideas also include some prompts for new editors to try suggested edits, since structured tasks have been shown to improve newcomer activation and retention.
Acceptance Criteria:
Release to all remaining Wikipedias that have Growth features:
- set release date: week of April 22.
- Inform communities
- (Configuration change backport monitoring) enable leveling up features for all Wikipedias that have Growth features enabled. Only logged in users with "Growth features" enabled in notifications should receive the Leveling Up notifications.
- Disable A/B test on pilot wikis (done in T336203)