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Section title markup "===" translates to "I am here" in some languages
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

What happens?:

  • i get in the suggestion box from Mint -> "=== Comment réparer les coordonnées qui s'affichent incorrectement près du bouton Langues ? Je suis là."

What should have happened instead?:

  • It should be -> "=== Comment corriger les coordonnées qui s'affichent incorrectement à côté du bouton des langues ? ==="
  • where second "===" is closing the section title, and the left proposed "Je suis là." is a nonsense here.
  • same case occurs for ->!translated&action=translate at -> Translations:2023:Program/Theme/1/fr where - > The theme for the 18th Wikimania edition is '''Diversity. Collaboration. Future.''' is suggested as -> Le thème de la 18e édition de Wikimania est "Diversité. Une collaboration. Le futur. " " Je suis là .
  • same also at -> Translations:Wikimania:Expressions of Interest/85/fr -> '''This page needs to be updated, following this [$1 Diff announcement] published 24th of sept., 2023. Many thanks.''' suggesting -> "Cette page doit être mise à jour, à la suite de cette [annonce $1 Diff] publiée le 24 septembre 2023. Merci beaucoup. " " Je suis là .
  • same and may be more direct to track is ->!recent&language=fr&filter=!translated&action=translate where i select -> Phabricator:phabricator-uiexample-db0b14024ef5b30c/fr which EN text is only -> Yum and the suggestion is directly -> "Je suis là."

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.): with destop version / skin Vector

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Mint: strange obvious section title translation to Section title markup "===" translates to "I am here" in some languages.Sep 14 2023, 1:35 PM
Nikerabbit moved this task from Backlog to Infrastructure on the MinT board.