Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Start a translation for a section (probably a lead section) that contains an adaptable block template.
- Proceed to the "Pick a sentence" step to actually translate the content.
- Click on the template and then on "Review and edit the translation" button inside the block template adaptation card at the bottom of the screen.
- Edit the adapted template by filling in a new template parameter, then click on the blue right arrow to persist that edit.
- Click again on the template and try to re-edit it inside the Visual Editor.
Screencast of the issue:
What happens?:
The changes that were made in the previous step (step 4) are lost and the initial adapted template shows up inside the Visual Editor.
What should have happened instead?:
The changes should appear inside the Visual Editor, so that the user can make new changes on top of the previous ones.