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[SPIKE] Should a shared design pattern unify the appearance of talk page buttons' disabled states?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Thank you to @alexhollender_WMF for spotting this issue.

T314488 asks us to revise the appearance of the activated state of the Add Topic button that appears in the sticky header.

This task is asking us to answer the following open questions.

Open questions

  • 1. For people who have the Show discussion activity setting enabled, should a Reply button they've clicked/tapped to open a Reply Tool appear in the same way that the Add topic button within the sticky header appears once it's been clicked?
  • 2. When someone clicks/taps a Reply button, the remaining Reply buttons on the page change state. What – if any – adjustments need to be made to how these remaining deactivated Reply buttons appear to compliment / be consistent with what's decided in "1."?
    • Consider T314218 and the difficulty people may have using the appearance of the Reply buttons to identify the comment they are replying to.


ActiveDisabledActive Disabled
Add topic (sticky header)N/AN/ATBD; see T314488


  • Answers to all Open questions are documented
  • "TBD" button states within the Experience section are defined and implemented

Event Timeline

ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Triaged on the DiscussionTools board.
ppelberg moved this task from Untriaged to Upcoming on the Editing-team board.
ppelberg moved this task from Tickets for Consideration to Clear Affordances on the TPP-Phase1 board.

Thoughts on this:

  1. For people who have the Show discussion activity setting enabled, should a Reply button they've clicked/tapped to open a Reply Tool appear in the same way that the Add topic button within the sticky header appears once it's been clicked?

Yes, ideally the Reply button that the user has clicked/tapped on should become a "disabled" state in a similar way to the "Add topic" button in the sticky header.

  1. When someone clicks/taps a Reply button, the remaining Reply buttons on the page change state. What – if any – adjustments need to be made to how these remaining deactivated Reply buttons appear to compliment / be consistent with what's decided in "1."?

I believe we shouldn't disable the remaining Reply buttons – this might lead to some complications but would be more consistent with providing the user the option to reply to other messages/topics without being blocked by an "opened" reply.

ppelberg closed this task as Resolved.EditedAug 24 2022, 12:00 AM
ppelberg claimed this task.

DECIDED: Per what @nayoub and I talked about offline today, we're going to keep the appearance of the "Active" and "Inactive" Reply Tool links unchanged. [i]

In deciding the above, @nayoub surfaced the potential for people to become confused about what to do in the event that they:

  1. Open a Reply Tool to respond to "Comment A"
  2. Realize they meant to respond to "Comment B"
  3. Become confused about what they need to do in order to respond to "Comment B" instead of "Comment A"
    • Reason: they might not think to shift their attention from the Reply link that is related to the comment they are meaning to respond to (read: "Comment B") and to the Cancel button within the Reply Tool related to the comment they mistakenly started to respond to (read: "Comment A").

I've filed T316061 for us to address the issue above. In the meantime, I think this ticket can be resolved considering we've decided not to make any changes to how the Reply links appear in its various states and we'll address the appearance of the Add Topic button in T314488.

i. Reply Tool's "Active" and "Inactive" States
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