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jquery.textSelection in core hardcodes checks for WikiEditor's iframe
Closed, ResolvedPublic


While trying to figure out how to better integrate CodeEditor (w/ Ace editing widget) into WikiEditor based on the existing iframe mode, I found that there's some WikiEditor-specific hardcoding still in the jquery.textSelection module:

var context = $(this).data( 'wikiEditor-context' );
var hasIframe = typeof context !== 'undefined' && context && typeof context.$iframe !== 'undefined';
// ...
retval = ( hasIframe ? context.fn : fn )[command].call( this, options );

It looks like for now, to work with $.textSelection I'll have to pretend to be the WikiEditor iframe plugin. Ideally we probably want something that's not specific to WikiEditor, so it can be used on any textarea-alike that can provide some sort of context functions for the textSelection plugin.

Version: 1.23.0
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:29 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29328.

Code still exists in MW core's resources/jquery/jquery.textSelection.js

Possibly related:

HACK: make $currentFocused work with the usability iframe
With proper focus detection support (HTML 5!) this'll be much cleaner
// TODO: Get rid of this WikiEditor code from MediaWiki core!
$iframe = $( '.wikiEditor-ui-text iframe' );

Change 130639 had a related patch set uploaded by Bartosz Dziewoński:
jquery.textSelection: Remove hardcoded checks for removed WikiEditor iframe mode

Change 130639 merged by jenkins-bot:
jquery.textSelection: Remove hardcoded checks for removed WikiEditor iframe mode

Reverted this when I found it seemed to be to blame for a bug where submitting anything from CodeEditor caused it to be lost. (no save made, can't get back the text you made, etc.) Reopening

Change 139690 had a related patch set uploaded by TheDJ:
textSelection: Remove references to iframe

Change 139690 merged by jenkins-bot:
jquery.textSelection: Remove references to iframe

Appears to have been fixed with the above patch.

Please reopen if that's not the case.

Bug 68556, another regression, though not as bad this time. Reopening..

This regression is because I failed to realize that the CodeEditor could be disabled in the same session and that this would 'break' the function mapping in:

There we basically assign the 'textSelection' api functions into the WikiEditor api. The disabling works fine for the WikiEditor API functions, because they listen to the conditional in L508, but the textSelection APIs are no longer part of the wikiEditor api's and stuff start breaking.

Change 150032 had a related patch set uploaded by TheDJ:
jquery.textSelection: register an alt implementation

Change 150037 had a related patch set uploaded by TheDJ:
Split jquery.textSelection and WikiEditor api overrides

Change 150032 merged by jenkins-bot:
jquery.textSelection: Add ability to register custom implementation

Change 150037 merged by jenkins-bot:
Split jquery.textSelection and WikiEditor api overrides

So… this is really fixed now, isn't it?