Special:MyLanguage redirects to the translation original (i.e. the page with no language suffix) if the user language is the same as the site content language, even if that particular translation original has another language. In this case, it should redirect to the /en subpage (assuming that the site content language is English) if that exists.
List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):
- For the page Commons:Gara_e_fotografisë_së_ushqimit_tradicional_shqiptar_-_2022 on Commons the page language was set to sq (Albanian); this page was marked for translation
- Switch Your interface language to English
- Click by link Special:MyLanguage/Commons:Gara_e_fotografisë_së_ushqimit_tradicional_shqiptar_-_2022
What happens?:
We got on base page (Albanian).
What should have happened instead?:
We should be got on translated /en subpage.