Following in the footsteps of the growth team, we will use their in-context help button to link to both the template help page and project discussion page for users to leave feedback as they encounter it.
Phab ticket references
Initial implementation: T206711: [EPIC] Growth: help panel
Updated styling and screenshare showing interaction: T292933#7458162
Open OOUI integration tickets: T280330: Support Floating tools and dialogs at the bottom of the viewport T278134: FloatingButton: Add FloatingButton component to Codex
- Reuse the growth team's component for in-context help (sticky floating button with adapted dialog when open)
- Use quiet progressive buttons for the links. Help page should link to (en, needs to be updated) and (de). And the feedback link should go to (en) andünsche/Topwünsche/Verbesserungen_im_Vorlagendialog_des_VisualEditors&action=edit&redlink=1
Dialog title: "Template editing support"
Dialog paragraph text: "Templates provide formatting for content. This editor shows what options a template provides on the left and values can then be added to those options on the right."
Note for RTL translators that the right and left need to be switched (can we let them know somehow?)
Nice to haves
- First time someone opens the new dialog layout, the help pop-up is open. Every time after, the default is closed.
- Animation matches existing example
- Dialog doesn't break when user zooms
- Screenreader label or aria described-by clearly announce what will happen when the button is clicked with text: "Open template editing support dialog"
Mock | Specs | |
Collapsed | ||
Expanded | ||