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[Session] Data challenge and sprint as community game
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Original description, needs template filled

Recently, a team of Wikimedians won the University of New Brunswick Data Challenge where they were given 2 hours to solve a bunch of Wikidata/SPARQL questions and to create visualizations to show off the capabilities of Wikidata.

This could be a fun social/main activity for the Hackathon. Working in teams in a 2 hour time frame was a fun format and might help engage folks who find the open-ended Hackathon too hard to embrace.


Template info, please fill

Username or display name (will be displayed publicly):

Categories/Tags/Keywords (up to 5):

List some tags to let participants quickly get an idea about the session, for example: Documentation, Maintenance, Open source tools for events, Wikidata, Wikipedia, Gadgets, etc.

Session type (select one):

  • Presentation (including Q/A) - 25 mins
  • Discussion (including Q/A) - 55 mins
  • Workshop (including Q/A) - 55 mins
  • Lightning talk - 5 mins

Venue (select one):

  • I would like to be on the main track
  • I wouldn't mind being on the main track
  • I need a Jitsi room for the session

When are you available to have the session?

Please share your availability on 22 - 23 May in UTC or your local time zone

Session Details

Short description of the session (~150 words):

Describe what your session is about

Target audience:

Who is this session most relevant to? For example: new contributors, maintainers, documentarians, first-time attendees, etc.

What will participants get out of this session? (~50 words)

Think about the end-goals of this session

(Optional) Additional resources:

Share any documentation or links where participants can learn more about the session topics

Event Timeline

That was a very fun challenge to participate in and the format or just a part of it could as @Fuzheado say be an opportunity for engagement. I'm happy to volunteer(together with others) to make this happen.

1, I volunteer and I'll be very glad to help reproduce this fun activity.

Jhernandez subscribed.

Very cool idea 👐

I've added the template to the description, please fill it once you know who will lead/own the session

Jhernandez renamed this task from Data challenge and sprint as community game to [Session] Data challenge and sprint as community game.Apr 30 2021, 2:21 PM

I'm interested in partaking in this too.

Hi @Fuzheado @Abbe98 and @VIGNERON, thank you so much for offering this session!

Here's our suggestion: we would schedule a kickstart session on Friday 21st at 19:00 UTC, so you can already onboard people and form teams, and people could keep working during the rest of the weekend, and possibly present at the showcase on Sunday.
What do you think?
How long should be the kickstart session on Friday? You mentioned 2 hours, is it still what you need?
Thanks in advance!

My perception is that two hours is the total timeframe for solving the queries. The fun and challenging part was to solve them under time pressure. To make questions that will take days to solve will be unreasonably hard. The kickstart could be 5 minutes long.

Yes, the challenge itself is only 2 hours (it's already long enough, I can attest it :P).
I think it's important to prepare some page, explaning the principle of the challenge and a list of people who want to participate.

And once the challenge is over, people may coms to us - the organizers - if they have questions and comments (like they would ask in the corridor if it was an offline event), so it's good to be at the beggining of the hackathon (Friday evening or Saturday morning is both good).

Very well, thanks for your answers! We will make sure that you have a 2-hours slot and a Jitsi room, on Friday 21st at 19:00 UTC, if this still works for you :)

Should this perhaps move to the Social events column on the board?

As you prefer :)
I'm super excited about the data challenge! As a reminder, it takes place tomorrow at 19:00 UTC / 21:00 CEST.
Is there anything you need support with?

Thanks for participating in the Wikimedia Hackathon 2021! We hope you had a great time.

  • If this session / event took place: Please change the task status to "resolved" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown.
    • If there are specific follow-up tasks from this session / event: Please create dedicated tasks and add another active project tag to those tasks, so others can find those tasks (as likely nobody in the future will look back at Wikimedia-Hackathon-2021 tasks when trying to find something they are interested in).
  • In this session / event did not take place: Please set the task status to "declined".

Thank you,
your Hackathon venue housekeeping service

No reply - resolving.