On Japanese wikibooks(https://ja.wikibooks.org/) user posting history, (最新)<In English display is (current)> is double parentheses. <Ex:((最新)) >
Please change to normal single parentheses.
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Event Timeline
Can you provide a screenshot example? And a link to the page you see this
Does this only happen on jawikibooks? Or does it appear on jawiki too?
The same is true for other user's post histories, but this symptom seems to be only for Japanese Wikibooks.
This feels like rMWe8e6d7f47bafda99d7d3c04a0379b57b96643940 and T205581: History, Special:Contributions, Special:RecentChanges, Special:Watchlist should be fully skinnable - use pseudo elements for separating elements (it feels a bit dejavu)
But there are no brackets in https://ja.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Uctop/ja
It seems like MW is adding them around uctop?
@Reedy there are brackets at https://ja.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Uctop, though, which I think is the one actually being rendered.
Duh. Forgot about that one. I always presume that's the English one. Thanks!
@Mario1257 delete https://ja.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Uctop and all should be good
Thank you for comment. In response to this, I submitted a request to the administrator to delete "MediaWiki:Uctop".
As this is about local on-wiki content which is managed independently by the community on each wiki, I am closing this task here - thanks for your understanding.