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Change incorrect usage of HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons
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As a Commons user I want the incorrect replacement of HTTPS by HTTP reverted so that all concept URI's are HTTPS again so that . Only HTTPS for concept URIs to have a consistent usage across SPARQL, dumps and Concept URIs links and maintain conformance with accepted standards.

When Commons started from scratch with Structured Data, the choice for HTTPS was made for concept URIs (different than Wikidata, that's http).

For context:


  • Decision on HTTP vs HTTPS for concept URIs (Update: Decision is to use HTTPS)
  • Dump, SPARQL and ConceptURI links on wiki should be coherent with this decision

Event Timeline

Gehel triaged this task as High priority.Jul 22 2020, 1:54 PM
Gehel moved this task from Incoming to RDF Model on the Wikidata-Query-Service board.

Wait, what, didn't we have this discussion quite some time ago for Commons and decided it would be https from the start? How did the http slip in again? If I look at a not so random item it says :
<schema:about rdf:resource="" class="remarkup-link" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">"/>

That's also the url you get on the left as the concept URI. The introduction of http is a mistake and a bug.

@Multichill it's very possible this discussion was had in the past but that those of us working on it now weren't around at that point - do you happen to have a link to the discussion that we can review? If the decision was already made, then going forward with the change will be a more straightforward next step to take :)

@Multichill it's very possible this discussion was had in the past but that those of us working on it now weren't around at that point - do you happen to have a link to the discussion that we can review? If the decision was already made, then going forward with the change will be a more straightforward next step to take :)

Been looking around and can't find it. I recall a discussion about Wikidata not using https, but that for Commons because the it's all new, we might as well use https from the start. That's what got implemented in the rdf and the concept URI's. So it's a bit confusing to see http popping up again now.

I guess that Wikidata concept URIs are using http:// because it is what is usually done by RDF datasets (DBpedia...), mostly for backward compatibility reasons.
I would be slightly in favor of using http:// URI for Commons entities in order to have all Wikibase entities and relations using http:// instead of having some with http:// and some with https;//.

I have not found the original tickets about Wikidata concept URIs.
I believe that the original Wikibase mapping has been designed by @DVrandecic.

@DVrandecic sorry for notifying you, do you have any opinion about it?

Removed reference to T226453 . This is about Concept URI's on Commons (httpS) and not about concept URI's on Wikidata (http).

Thanks @Tpt for pulling me in.

I checked in my own PhD thesis, as I had a short section on that, and ten years ago, when I wrote this, basically everything on the Linked Open Data Web was http: , p.67

Fortunately, that has changed.

More background can be found here: vs. HTTPS in resource identification from the SWiB18 discussion on the topic.

In my opinion, I would suggest to use the chance and since we are building a new resource here, to use https from the start.

It was a mistake that we didn't do that for Wikidata, which was due to the fact that Wikipedia only started offering https in 2011, and switched to it only in 2015. We are not in that situation today, and can make the right decision.

I would love for Wikidata to switch, but that's a different task.

So my recommendation is - which is not informed at all by possible technical constraints - to use https wherever possible, and in particular for a any new namespaces such as introduced for WCQS and the Commons data dumps to use https from the start, even though this means mixing some http and https identifiers.

I would not care about consistency with the Wikidata namespaces. As said, i consider that, retroactively, a mistake, and would love to change it.

When the dump was reloaded last week, WCQS was changed to HTTPS.

The Commons URIs and the dumps are still HTTP so this work is on the Structured Data team.

When the dump was reloaded last week, WCQS was changed to HTTPS.

The Commons URIs and the dumps are still HTTP so this work is on the Structured Data team.

The Concept URI link on commons is still HTTP, (the RDF dumps are using https for commons related URIs)

Note that the SD team work to change the Concept URIs in Commons is estimated to be a small.

Multichill renamed this task from Decide on HTTP vs HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons to Change incorrect usage of HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons.Mar 2 2021, 2:46 PM
Multichill updated the task description. (Show Details)

Note that the SD team work to change the Concept URIs in Commons is estimated to be a small.

That was August 2020, we're now in March 2021. Any update of the status?

Note that the SD team work to change the Concept URIs in Commons is estimated to be a small.

That was August 2020, we're now in March 2021. Any update of the status?

Unfortunately several more urgent tasks took priority, but this has now neared the top of the our list and we expect to work on it in the next month or so.

Change 676494 had a related patch set uploaded (by Seddon; author: Seddon):

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] Change HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons

Change 679327 had a related patch set uploaded (by Seddon; author: Seddon):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Change HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons

Change 676494 abandoned by Krinkle:

[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] Change HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons


Superseded by /679327

Change 679327 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Change HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-05-25T11:20:14Z] <lucaswerkmeister-wmde@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Config: [[gerrit:679327|Change HTTP to HTTPS for concept URIs on Commons (T258590)]] (duration: 00m 56s)

I see the right concept uri on now (and still the right one on Thanks for fixing.