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Prevent users from accessing Special:NewProperty when federation is enabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


In the MVP of federated properties, only remote properties can be used when federation is enabled. Local properties are not supported and will cause issues [See T255404].

To prevent Wikibase editors from creating local properties and unintentionally breaking their instance, we should prevent access to Special:NewProperty.

BDD (Scenario: viewing SpecialPages)
Given My Wikibase has federated properties enabled
When I load the page Special:SpecialPages
Then Special:New Property is not displayed in the list of Wikibase special pages

BDD (Scenario: directly navigating to NewProperty)
Given My Wikibase has federated properties enabled
When I try to access wiki/Special:NewProperty
Then the standard message is displayed stating "You have requested an invalid special page."

image.png (151×427 px, 19 KB)

Event Timeline

Addshore triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 1 2020, 8:55 AM