The minute an archive is created, all links are broken, and the user is expected to manually search through Archive 111, 110, 109 etc. until he finds the original link.
There must be a better way.
What's worse is such links are not only on Special:Contributions but also on Special:Notifications Wikimedia-wide...
"A quick click on a notification" leads to "an archivist's hour long effort digging through the archives for a broken non-permalink".
Event Timeline
Hi, the concept of "archiving" does not exist in MediaWiki itself. When content or a complete page is moved, then content cannot be accessed anymore. I don't see how to fix this in MediaWiki itself. (For fixing "archiving" page/content move approaches that some websites might have, you'll have to contact those websites, I'm afraid.)
It is a common practice on all Wikimedia owned wikis, not any particular one.
It is not a common practice outside of Wikimedia owned wikis.
If is the wrong place to post this, where on * is?
@Jidanni: You may find by @SD0001 of interest.
It's worth noting that enwiki is currently considering making the userscript a gadget - see VPT discussion.
OK. I added my own brilliant idea at