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[EPIC] Desktop Improvements tasks (catalog)
Closed, InvalidPublicGoal


Overview of relevant Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022) tasks where the bulk of the work is done.


  1. T242131: [GOAL] Deploy new header to at least one test wiki
  2. T247032: [EPIC] Build collapsible sidebar and deploy to all test wikis


  1. T243281: Build opt-out link for logged-in users with new vector on
  2. T246170: Build new logo for Desktop Improvements Header create Header
  3. T249073: [Spike 4hrs] Discuss and agree on nomenclature and rules for template partial usage and CSS organization from experience with header - template refactoring
  4. T249372: [Dev] DRY up the menu templating code - tangential menu refactoring
  5. T246419: Build collapsible sidebar and sidebar button
  6. T256893: Move the PersonalMenu to the header
  7. T246420: Limit content width, and refine alignment & styling of relevant elements
  8. T254851: Current checkbox hack doesn't provide <Enter> or <Space> as toggle action
  9. T257075: Simplify the checkboxHack API
  10. T255727: Make collapsible sidebar persistent for logged-in users
  11. T246427: [Spike 8hrs] Decide how to persist state of collapsible sidebar across sessions for logged-in users, logged-out users
  12. T249363: Move the existing search to the header in preparation for Vue.js search development
  1. T249073: [Spike 4hrs] Discuss and agree on nomenclature and rules for template partial usage and CSS organization from experience with header
  2. T253669: [SPIKE] Discuss template partials in Vector
  3. T249372: [Dev] DRY up the menu templating code
  4. T239248: [EPIC] Divide VectorTemplate into components
  5. T245456: [Dev] Adopt template partials in Vector and revise sidebar component
  1. T242381: Add a Vector skin version preference
  2. T248761: [modern Vector only] Move indicators underneath firstHeading
  3. T248137: Ensure `#content`, `#footer` and `.portal` code occurrences are element agnostic
  4. T254277: Proposal: Stop collapsing Vector menu items under more menu and removal associated code (Motivation: T71729: [collapsibleTabs] If a tab's width changes after initial page load, endless animation loop can happen)


  1. T245190: Implement guidelines around logos creation
  2. T246170: Build new logo for Desktop Improvements Header
  3. T249363: Move the existing search to the header in preparation for Vue.js search development
  4. T247038: Design spec for collapsible sidebar
  5. T247334: Collapsible Sidebar : Instrumentation and Requirement gathering
  6. T246420: Limit content width, and refine alignment & styling of relevant elements
  7. T240489: [Epic] Determine the optimum Vector DOM structure for a11y and performance
  8. T242835: RFC: Standard method for feature-management in skins/extensions


  1. T246430: Provide logos for all projects

Related Objects

Mentioned In
T242131: [GOAL] Deploy new header to at least one test wiki
Mentioned Here
T71729: [collapsibleTabs] If a tab's width changes after initial page load, endless animation loop can happen
T254277: Proposal: Stop collapsing Vector menu items under more menu and removal associated code
T256893: Move the PersonalMenu to the header
T257075: Simplify the checkboxHack API
T254851: Current checkbox hack doesn't provide <Enter> or <Space> as toggle action
T253669: [SPIKE] Discuss template partials in Vector
T255727: Make collapsible sidebar persistent for logged-in users
T247334: Collapsible Sidebar : Instrumentation and Requirement gathering
T249910: Design spec: Move searchbar into header
T249363: Move the existing search to the header in preparation for Vue.js search development
T242835: RFC: Standard method for feature-management in skins/extensions
T239248: [EPIC] Divide VectorTemplate into components
T240489: [Epic] Determine the optimum Vector DOM structure for a11y and performance
T242381: Add a Vector skin version preference
T243281: Build opt-out link for logged-in users with new vector on
T245190: Implement guidelines around logos creation
T245456: [Dev] Adopt template partials in Vector and revise sidebar component
T246170: Build new logo for Desktop Improvements Header
T246419: Build collapsible sidebar and sidebar button
T246420: Limit content width, and refine alignment & styling of relevant elements
T246427: [Spike 8hrs] Decide how to persist state of collapsible sidebar across sessions for logged-in users, logged-out users
T246430: Provide logos for all projects
T247038: Design spec for collapsible sidebar
T248137: Ensure `#content`, `#footer` and `.portal` code occurrences are element agnostic
T248761: [modern Vector only] Move indicators underneath firstHeading
T249073: [Spike 4hrs] Discuss and agree on nomenclature and rules for template partial usage and CSS organization from experience with header
T249372: [Dev] DRY up the menu templating code
T242131: [GOAL] Deploy new header to at least one test wiki
T247032: [EPIC] Build collapsible sidebar and deploy to all test wikis

Event Timeline

Demian renamed this task from [EPIC] Desktop Improvements tasks to [EPIC] Desktop Improvements tasks (catalog).Apr 8 2020, 6:10 AM
Demian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Demian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Demian removed a subscriber: Aklapper.

I'm not sure what's the reason behind this task as this looks like it should be expressed via (sub)task inter-dependencies.
Also, please do not unsubscribe me from tasks. Thanks! :)

I'm not sure what's the reason behind this task


as this looks like it should be expressed via (sub)task inter-dependencies.

Please take a look at the immediate history above: T249676#6038590
That was the first approach and resulted in a 3-page-long task tree, which is unusable.
Also T242131#6038592
Also, the topology is different here from the task tree, serving the explorability of the tasks with patches and specifications.

Also, please do not unsubscribe me from tasks. Thanks! :)

Sure. In that case, please make well-informed, helpful comments. Thank you 😉

@Aklapper I'm not sure the title is expressive enough. Maybe you have a better title in mind for the ticket, which expresses that this is a resource for developers, not a "task" in the strict sense?

ovasileva subscribed.

@Demian - I am also unsure of the purpose of this task - in terms of structuring the desktop improvements task we have the the separate board where work is separated by quarter, as well as the task trees of the per-feature items. I closing this for now. Let me know if you have concerns.

@Demian - I am also unsure of the purpose of this task - in terms of structuring the desktop improvements task we have the the separate board where work is separated by quarter, as well as the task trees of the per-feature items.

@ovasileva This question from Apr 3 preceding the creation of this ticket (I wouldn't call it a task) should answer yours:

@ovasileva It's very difficult to get an overview of the current progress in the DI timeline with the different parts tracked in disjunct trees of tasks which are like distinct islands.
It would be much easier if there was a common root for all DI development tasks. Could you please make one?
The current root tasks I'm aware of and often have to use the searchbox to navigate to are:

I've linked this comment above to answer Aklapper's similar question. Should I have been more explanatory?

For non-staff - who aren't up-to-date with the current progress and internal discussions (private slack, etc.) -, it is very hard to find the relevant discussions, decisions and patches of DI. This ticket catalogs the entry points for anyone without a detailed knowledge of the project. The workboard does not present this information. I understand this might not be an issue for the developers, or not important at all unfortunately.

It is my understanding that there are numerous tracking tasks on phab with similar purpose, therefore I wonder why this one is surprising.
Maybe the format? With that I'm not satisfied either, unfortunately this is what I could do within phab. I hoped to get some guidance to find a better format in response to T242131#6025960, but that did not happen.

I closing this for now. Let me know if you have concerns.

Closing the ticket is not an issue, it still serves as a catalog. My only concern is the general lack of communication and the lack of discover-ability of the tasks where the work is or was done for the purpose of onboarding, third-parties and for future reference.

@Demian - is the project board not sufficient for this purpose? All tasks related to the project are tagged there, which saves time from manually having to add them to this ticket.

@Demian - is the project board not sufficient for this purpose? All tasks related to the project are tagged there, which saves time from manually having to add them to this ticket.

It's very hard to find specific tasks, such as:

  • Tasks where Alex documented the specifications
  • Tasks with the patches linked
  • The top-level (root) tasks

Without the task trees memorized, looking for a specific information in the tasks is typically a linear search. I recall spending a few hours altogether, looking for the exact values
to use in CSS. The categorization here intends to make these more discoverable.

I reckon now this ticket is not visible on the workboard and it does not need to be, as it's not a task. I think this is good as it is.

@ovasileva As this was my 3rd attempt to explain this ticket: was this a sufficient and understandable approach?

It's very hard to find specific tasks, such as:

  • Tasks where Alex documented the specifications
  • Tasks with the patches linked

I don't see anything in the desc here which somehow identifies tasks with patches.

  • The top-level (root) tasks

I go to any task, look at the Task Graph, and usually see the top-level root tasks at the top of the task graph. I'm surprised by the term "very hard".

I don't see anything in the desc here which somehow identifies tasks with patches.

How is that possible? There are 12 patches in the "Patchwork" section. Is it possible the patches are not visible to you on those tickets?

Ah! That's possible because I had not realized which interesting quite literal meaning of "Patchwork" was used here.

which interesting quite literal meaning of "Patchwork"

I'm sorry, what does that mean?

Demian triaged this task as Lowest priority.
Demian updated the task description. (Show Details)
Demian changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Goal".Jul 3 2020, 11:41 PM