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Support PostgreSQL in the BounceHandler extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The BounceHandler extension has files for the database schema only in the MySQL dialect: /0123cadf1c88fa1218de1ee629bc173518f1a5c9/sql/bounce_records.sql

Support for other databases, e.g. PostgreSQL, is missing. Please add it.

Event Timeline

@Lahwaacz Do you have environment where this could be easily tested?

Not public, I don't even know how to test bounced emails... But ensuring that running maintenance/update.php with wfLoadExtension('BounceHandler'); does not crash on PostgreSQL would be a start.

Should be trivial actually. We might be able to even make this a Google-Code-in-2019 task.

Change 572999 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jack Phoenix; owner: Jack Phoenix):
[mediawiki/extensions/BounceHandler@master] PostgreSQL support

Change 572999 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/BounceHandler@master] PostgreSQL support