Error found: Record in Kringla RAÄ DRMWEB/node/29965
Links non existing record at Dramaweb:en:
- Kringla DRMWEB/node/29965
- links Dramaweb:en non existing page
- correct is
Status: Sent question Kringla and got answer they are working on it, no helpdesk ID...
- Created Wikidata object Q77289187
- The same play was already in Runeberg and as Q65527948 ---> we did a merge see version history
- when a merge is done Wikidata is setting owl:sameas see tweet i.e. för Property 1523
- The same play was already in Runeberg and as Q65527948 ---> we did a merge see version history
SELECT (REPLACE(STR(?item),".*Q","Q") AS ?qid) (REPLACE(STR(?tgt),".*Q","Q") AS ?tgtQid) ?tgtLabel ?change WHERE { ?tgt wdt:P5123 ?SLBedition . ?item owl:sameAs ?tgt . ?item schema:dateModified ?change . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv,en" } } ORDER BY DESC(?change)