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Create a ganeti VM identical to analytics-tool1003 with Debian Buster
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The analytics-tool1003 VM hosts Apache Superset, and we chose it as candidate for the Buster upgrade. I'd need another VM (let's call it analytics-tool1004), identical to 1003 except for the OS.

Event Timeline

elukey triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 5 2019, 9:44 AM
elukey created this task.
elukey@ganeti1003:~$  sudo gnt-group list
Group Nodes Instances AllocPolicy NDParams
row_A     4        33 preferred   ovs=False, ssh_port=22, ovs_link=, spindle_count=1, exclusive_storage=False, cpu_speed=1, ovs_name=switch1, oob_program=
row_C     4        29 preferred   ovs=False, ssh_port=22, ovs_link=, spindle_count=1, exclusive_storage=False, cpu_speed=1, ovs_name=switch1, oob_program=

Row C seems to be the preferred.

Change 494455 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/dns@master] Allocate A/AAAA/PTR records for analytics-tool1004

@akosiaris IIRC there is a bridge interface for the Analytics VLAN on the Ganeti host, that takes care of proper VLAN tagging etc.. So I guess that I cannot use makevm in this use case, since I'd need to add something like --net 0:link=analytics right?

@akosiaris IIRC there is a bridge interface for the Analytics VLAN on the Ganeti host, that takes care of proper VLAN tagging etc..

Yes that's correct.

So I guess that I cannot use makevm in this use case, since I'd need to add something like --net 0:link=analytics right?

You can use it up to the point it will output the command, but not confirm it so it doesn't run it. Then copy paste with the amendment you noted. It should save you some time (unless you want to spend it on figuring out the exact command, so be my guest :) )

Change 494461 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] ganeti: add the Analytics VLAN use case to makevm

@akosiaris nope I don't feel adventurous today :D I added a change to makevm to support this use case, not sure if it makes sense and/or too tedious for the regular use case :)

Change 494455 merged by Elukey:
[operations/dns@master] Allocate A/AAAA/PTR records for analytics-tool1004

Change 494461 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] ganeti: add the Analytics VLAN use case to makevm

Worked nicely!

elukey@ganeti1003:~$ sudo makevm
This is an interactive script to make it easier to
create a Ganeti VM.
Please see for more details.

Are you going to need a public IP? (y/n)

If you need a private IP, do you need it to be inside the Analytics VLAN? (y/n)

Please enter the correct row. (A, B or C - gnt-group list to show)

How many vCPUs do you need?

How much RAM do you need? (Gigabytes)

What disk size do you need? (Gigabytes)

How do you want to call the instance? (FQDN)

Based on your answers this is the full command to create the VM:

sudo gnt-instance add -t drbd -I hail --net 0:link=analytics --hypervisor-parameters=kvm:boot_order=network -o debootstrap default --no-install -g row_C -B vcpus=4,memory=6g --disk 0:size=20g analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet

Do you want to run it now? (y/n) y
Ok, running.

Tue Mar  5 10:47:29 2019  - INFO: No-installation mode selected, disabling startup
Tue Mar  5 10:47:34 2019  - INFO: Selected nodes for instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet via iallocator hail: ganeti1002.eqiad.wmnet, ganeti1004.eqiad.wmnet
Tue Mar  5 10:47:35 2019 * creating instance disks...
Tue Mar  5 10:47:39 2019 adding instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet to cluster config
Tue Mar  5 10:47:39 2019 adding disks to cluster config
Tue Mar  5 10:47:39 2019  - INFO: Waiting for instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet to sync disks
Tue Mar  5 10:47:39 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0:  0.10% done, 1h 7m 12s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:48:39 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 10.90% done, 8m 17s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:49:39 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 21.60% done, 7m 3s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:50:40 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 32.40% done, 6m 11s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:51:40 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 43.10% done, 5m 15s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:52:40 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 53.90% done, 4m 7s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:53:40 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 64.70% done, 3m 12s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:54:40 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 75.40% done, 2m 16s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:55:41 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 86.20% done, 1m 13s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:41 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 96.90% done, 17s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 100.00% done, 0s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 100.00% done, 0s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 100.00% done, 0s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: - device disk/0: 100.00% done, 0s remaining (estimated)
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: Instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet's disks are in sync
Tue Mar  5 10:56:58 2019  - INFO: Waiting for instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet to sync disks
Tue Mar  5 10:56:59 2019  - INFO: Instance analytics-tool1004.eqiad.wmnet's disks are in sync

Time to add the new instance to DHCP.
Here's the MAC address:


Change 494468 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] Add analytics-tool1004 to site.pp and dhcp

Change 494468 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] Add analytics-tool1004 to site.pp and dhcp

I just realized that in we have 'an-tool' as host prefix, not 'analytics-tool' (new vs current scheme), so I should have named this instance an-tool1004. Since a lot of work has been done I think it is better to keep the name and establish that the next VMs (should be created soon) will all have the new naming scheme. Apologies! :(

To keep archives happy: @MoritzMuehlenhoff is currently testing the Buster debian installer for Ganeti VMs, so please do not install anything on this VM yet.

elukey renamed this task from Replace analytics-tool1003 ganeti VM with another VM with Buster to Create a ganeti VM identical to analytics-tool1003 with Debian Buster.Mar 6 2019, 4:02 PM
elukey closed this task as Resolved.

analytics-tool1004 is up and running, will close this task now and re-open another one when we'll be ready to decom 1003.