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If users can't edit a Wikipedia article, don't encourage them to edit its Wikidata item
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To reduce vandalism we need to:

  • identify all the Wikipedias that show links from some articles to their corresponding Wikidata items,
  • find the best way of hiding these links from those users who can't edit the articles (i.e., non-(auto)confirmed users on semiprotected articles) but only to those users (T208315), and
  • apply the necessary changes or get them applied to all the identified Wikipedias.

Thread on wikitech-l:

See also T205783.

Event Timeline

Looks like this could be addressed by adding a Skin body class that represents the result of the "quick" permissions check, similar to wgIsProbablyEditable.

Maybe <body class="mw-user-can-edit">. Then this can be used the same way as .client-js, .client-nojs and .action-view to automatically toggle the display of the relevant elements of the interface.

Looks like this could be addressed by adding a Skin body class that represents the result of the "quick" permissions check, similar to wgIsProbablyEditable.

Maybe <body class="mw-user-can-edit">. Then this can be used the same way as .client-js, .client-nojs and .action-view to automatically toggle the display of the relevant elements of the interface.

I like this approach. :-)

That class can be useful for any MediaWiki installation. Maybe we should open a new task to introduce it?

identify all the Wikipedias that show links from some articles to their corresponding Wikidata items,

I have looked at the webrequest logs before and patterns of projects referring to wikidata.
The projects with the most referers tend to have edit links of some sort.
It might be worth dashboarding this in some way, I'll have a think.

find the best way of hiding these links from those users who can't edit the articles (i.e., non-(auto)confirmed users on semiprotected articles) but only to those users, and

One of the big issues here are these edit links are all created in pretty adhoc ways.

A dashboard for this would be awesome. :D
Concerning the HTML class, I've just created T208315.

Wikipedias already have .mw-editable (T208315) in their body elements when, given a user and a page, the user can edit the page. Now Wikipedians can hide those links to Wikidata items in an easier way; however, they should be told they have this resource and they should be encouraged to use it.

abian claimed this task.

.mw-editable was implemented and is being used, and the possible remaining loose ends are expected to be resolved with the extension of Wikidata-Bridge to all Wikipedias.