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class "not-patrolled" no longer set for <li> on Special:NewPages
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class "not-patrolled" no longer set for <li> on enwiki Special:NewPages

This was present as of 11 August 2017, no longer appearing

enwiki discussion:

May be same problem as phab:T144132

Event Timeline

I believe that this is caused by my patch for T171138. I'll upload a patch to fix the disappearing color problem.

In T173556#3532845, @GeoffreyT2000 wrote:

I believe that this is caused by my patch for T171138. I'll upload a patch to fix the disappearing color problem.

Yeah, confirmed. wfArrayFilterByKey filtered out the added classes.

Change 372509 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zhuyifei1999; owner: Zhuyifei1999):
[mediawiki/core@master] SpecialNewpages: add $attribs['class'] immediately before creating <li>

Liuxinyu970226 subscribed.

@Shizhao added a project: User-notice.

@Shizhao: Why?

I removed, agree that this is not currently suitable for TN.

Thibaut120094 renamed this task from class "not-patrolled" no longer set for <li> on enwiki Special:NewPages to class "not-patrolled" no longer set for <li> on Special:NewPages.Aug 19 2017, 1:24 PM

You have to just wait till it be fixed by the developers. There's nothing you can do. If the patch ( will be fixed before next release, it'll be fixed this week. If not, the week after.

Change 372509 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] SpecialNewpages: add $attribs['class'] immediately before creating <li>

In ca, es and ptwiki aren't fix yet. We need do anything?

No. Just wait till next MediaWiki train which will be in 30 minutes for, and, at August 23 19:00-21:00 UTC for all non-Wikipedia sites, cawiki and hewiki and at August 24 19:00-21:00 UTC for all remaining Wikipedias. The 'merged' message from gerritbot above means only it is in current master branch and will be deployed at the very next MW train. You can see our deployment calendar at

That isn't a reason for removing all the projects. They are used for filtering etc. But MW train is AFAIK over, so it should be resolved everywhere.