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'Wikidata edits' filter with 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' returns results but the filter selection displayed as a conflict
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. On plwiki, select 'Wikidata edits' and one of conflicting filters: 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' .
  2. The selected filters will be displayed in red and with the correct warning tooltip, but the results will be displayed. Event highlighting will work, marking some records as being in conflicting categories.

Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 12.40.45 PM.png (599×836 px, 212 KB)

Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 12.39.36 PM.png (565×758 px, 163 KB)

Event Timeline

Etonkovidova renamed this task from 'Wikidata edits' filter with 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' returns results but the filter selection displayed as conflicting states to 'Wikidata edits' filter with 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' returns but the filter selection displayed as a conflict.Apr 10 2017, 8:18 PM
Etonkovidova renamed this task from 'Wikidata edits' filter with 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' returns but the filter selection displayed as a conflict to 'Wikidata edits' filter with 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' returns results but the filter selection displayed as a conflict.
Catrope subscribed.

Since we now short-circuit all conflict states, the bug as written no longer occurs. If you select that particular combination of filters, no results are shown.

Checked with plwiki - 'Wikidata' with full coverage in 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' (when all options are selected) will still return the results.

Change 365878 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; owner: Catrope):
[mediawiki/core@master] ChangesListStringOptionsFilter: Make isSelected() respect ALL

Checked with plwiki - 'Wikidata' with full coverage in 'Contribution quality prediction' or 'User intent prediction' (when all options are selected) will still return the results.

It turned out that selecting all filters in the ORES group along with the Wikidata filter was detected as a conflict by the UI but not by the backend, and so the query wasn't short-circuited. The patch I just uploaded fixes that.

Change 365878 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] ChangesListStringOptionsFilter: Make isSelected() respect ALL

Checked in 1.30.0-wmf.10 (enwiki, plwiki)

QA Recommendation: Resolve