We have the pleasure and the honor to have Ward Cunningham as our keynote speaker at Wikimedia-Developer-Summit (2017)!
Session video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnZJHw8NmEQ
Session notes: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/DevSummitNotes
Some ideas
- Wikipedia is singularly successful, that means there is no where else to look for guidance
- How can a thousand great decisions leave us in such a mess?
- Some things you can do and can't do to influence your user's creativity
- The valley is a hard place to feel good about yourself, here's why
- How I read all of MediaWiki in one hour (I only read the punctuation)
- If I'm old enough to be your grandpa then how come I know JavaScript?
Ward Cunningham has worked for and consulted to daring startups and huge corporations. He has served as CTO, Director, Fellow, Principal Engineer and Inventor. He is best known for creating wiki. He leads an open-source project rebuilding wiki to solve more complex sharing situations addressing some of society's toughest problems. Ward founded movements in object-oriented, agile software, extreme programming and pattern languages. Ward lives in Portland, Oregon and works for New Relic, Inc.