Using the AbuseFilter's debugging tools, you can see that use of ccnorm or norm on regex containing pipes | will get transformed to the letter I. This means we can't do things like: ccnorm(added_lines) irlike ccnorm("A|B|C"). A proposed solution (thanks to @MER-C) is to create a new function that works like contains_any except that it accepts regular expressions, and will join the arguments with | on the server-side.
Adding to that, it might be helpful to have norm_matches_any and ccnorm_matches_any, so we can avoid duplication as with matches_any(added_lines, ccnorm('regex1'), ccnorm('regex2'), ccnorm('regex3')), etc.
Another solution by @Huji, aiming to fix behaviour for both | and \b is available in task description of T190648.