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I created by taking @mmodell's text, changing random geeky words into less geeky words, tweaking meanings into the opposite, and still keeping Mukunda listed as author. You're welcome.
And I failed to embed 'external' images (well, hosted on Phabricator).

Now... can we get this published on *deer eyes*

Because soon it will be too late.

Thanks @Aklapper! I approve of your edits and I second the request to get this published before it's really old news.

@greg: Do you know anyone we can ping in order to move this forward?

@MelodyKramer is your very helpful default contact with Comms. :)

@EdErhart-WMF and @jeffelder are the contacts for the blog! I would email the two of them about your plans!

Quick thought before I (or someone) emails them: This draft is so far pretty much just a boiler plate plus a list of links. We'll probably need some help :)

I think it's okay to email them early and tell them about the idea so that they know it exists. What you have is actually a really good starting point.

I might suggest framing the completed tasks in a slightly different way, so that the audience understands how each completed task benefits them. For each, I would add a sentence that explains what they can now do. For example: "We did X, which allows our community to now do Y."

Hi all! Thanks for pinging me on this. Mel has some great points above, and all I'd add is the intended audience for your post—do you want a public, Wikimedian, or Phabricator-familiar audience?

I assume it'll be somewhere within the latter two. :-)

When will you want this published?

Also, for the future: we have a pretty lightweight process charted out for Foundation posts, if that's helpful—but Meta is 100% fine if it's easier for you.

Hi all! Thanks for pinging me on this. Mel has some great points above, and all I'd add is the intended audience for your post—do you want a public, Wikimedian, or Phabricator-familiar audience?

I assume it'll be somewhere within the latter two. :-)

Yes, the latter two. I would say it's appropriate for the wikimedia community, broadly, and not just technical or phabricator familiar folks. We've already posted a previous version of this same info on the internal phabricator blog so most heavy users of Phabricator are already aware of the changes.

Great! Mel's comments above then are perfect. I think you'll want to use a framework that demonstrates how these changes will help community members, many of which will not be familiar with technical news or possibly even the existence of Phabricator.

(I assume this framework won't hold for every individual point, but it could be the overall theme!)

So I assume everybody waits for someone else to rephrase. Which means this will never happen.
Hence proposing to decline as reality bites.