There is a request to enable DPL on fr.wiktionary. DPL has "known performance problems" [[citation needed]].
The purpose of this task is to either:
- enumerate enough performance problems that we decide it is not worth the effort to fix and thus decide to not deploy further on Wikimedia wikis, or
- enumerate performance issues that can be addressed in a reasonable timeframe, and start doing that (by whom?)
Problem summary
Based on @Bawolff summary
The performance issue is full table scan and filesorting on large tables (such as page and categorylinks).
There is ways to make dpl suck less without totally rewriting it:
- disable sorting by unindexed columns would be a minimal step
- if that doesn't give satisfaction, only allow category intersection if at least one of the categories is smallish
Ultimately, the most correct approach is to rewrite using Cirrus (or something like Cirrus) as a backend..