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Login to somebody's account
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello. It was very wierd. I opened automatically (via bookmarks) 6 queries. Usually there are two scenarios. 1 - I am still in my account, because of cookies. 2 - I am not in any account and can click login - usually after browser crash. But today I was (in all 6 windows) in the account of @Edgars2007, and needed logout and relogin to access my account.

Event Timeline

IKhitron raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
IKhitron updated the task description. (Show Details)
IKhitron added a project: Quarry.
IKhitron added subscribers: IKhitron, Edgars2007.
IKhitron renamed this task from Login to somenody's account to Login to somebody's account.Dec 9 2015, 7:26 PM
IKhitron set Security to None.

Probably a blip from the redis session stuff I was just doing. I'll clear out everyone's sessions to make sure :)

Hope you are right. Otherwise it's security problem. :-)

I've just cleared out everyone's sessions, which should clear up any other missing issues!

Hopefully I won't have to mess with redis again for a while :)

Can you confirm that your session has been logged out?

yuvipanda claimed this task.

Ok :) Closing it for now! :) Thanks for reporting! <3

As the wise poets from 'The Beatles' once said, 'here, there, everywheeeerreeeeeee'

You're everywhere, @Edgars2007, or anyone can use your account? :-)

You're everywhere, @Edgars2007, or anyone can use your account? :-)

I trust you :)

I am happy, @Edgars2007, but:
1: Maybe I'm a troll. ;-)
2: Maybe somebody else was in your account, and he is a troll.

OK, will get serious. I think the problem is still there, @yuvipanda. Or at least is related to this one.

In last few days some 15 blank queries (those, which you get after pressing "New query") have appeared in my profile. OK, maybe some few were made by me, but some of them were created when I was sleeping :) I really don't mind that they appear there (I actually like it), but this isn't normal, I think. And "I" have also starred one query, that I don't remember of doing (but there is possibility, that it was me, I'm not sure). The second starred quety is OK - that was me.

Maybe you can post some kind of temporary message at quarry, that "if you're not logged as [username], report at Phabricator" :)

This happened again, after I rebooted all the quarry instances. Must be some shared Flask state or something. No time to look into it, but posting for future reference.