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JobQueueError global rename (user:Archives_cantonales_jurassiennes)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Renamed by User:Itti

She got the following error;

[90e25e28] 2015-11-26 09:54:29: Fataler Ausnahmefehler des Typs „JobQueueError“

Rename progress not finished and no logentry is showing when watching the special page.ändern#2015-11-26_.E2.80.93_RCJU-ArCJ_.E2.86.92_Archives_cantonales_jurassiennes

The server side error is The exception being Could not insert job(s), 2 partitions tried..


Event Timeline

Steinsplitter raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Steinsplitter updated the task description. (Show Details)
Steinsplitter added a project: GlobalRename.
Steinsplitter added subscribers: Steinsplitter, Itti.
Steinsplitter set Security to None.
Steinsplitter added subscribers: hoo, Legoktm.

The JobQueueError should not be happening anymore. Any prior renames may need a kick (renaming back and forth maybe, @Legoktm?).

Micha subscribed.

User account is still in Twilight Zone:

Maybe the JobQueueError is fixed but the error by user account still exists.

The problem now is that shows up with:

Local wikiStatus

The 100 000 dollars question is: how do we resume the global rename ? :-}

Renaming back and forth doesn't work ("renaming already running"). Probably user should create a new, slightly different account?

Renaming back and forth doesn't work ("renaming already running"). Probably user should create a new, slightly different account?

I am sure this can be fixed by hand. Of course, only someone with shell access can fix this issue.

If the user needs the account ASAP, then it makes sense to create a new one.

No idea how long it will take to fix this issue here, i pointed a dev some days ago to this ticked and he told me that the issue will be fixed soon.

@MBq: But this is only a workaround. Inconsistent SUL accounts shouldn't exist.

It would be great if the renaming on all projects can be done until end of this week. Next week we would like to test uploads and I really prefer not to create another account because the chosen name "Archives cantonales jurassiennes" is the official name.

aaron removed aaron as the assignee of this task.Dec 18 2015, 8:40 PM

Hello all. This is urgent. We cannot upload pictures by GWT and we're just waiting until this task is solved. Can please somebody fix the broken renaming for "user:Archives cantonales jurassiennes" or just tell us, when exactly this can be done.

Why is this preventing you from using GWT?

Can't a commons admin just add Archives_cantonales_jurassiennes to the gwtoolset group on commons?

We cannot login.
Error massage:
"Login error
Your account is currently being renamed or merged. View the status. "

Could one of you look at that CentralAuth global rename that ended up being stuck half way?

The renaming jobs got interrupted due to an exception which seems to have been fixed. But the renaming system still show remaining users to be queued. I could not find a way to reemit the jobs :-\

Glaisher subscribed.

Sorry, I missed that this ticket was re-opened. Looking now.

To manually fix a blocked rename, one can run:

mwscript extensions/CentralAuth/maintenance/fixStuckGlobalRename.php

Has to be run for each of wikis.