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CentralAuth log messages need improvement
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Special:Log/globalauth messages on any language different than English makes nonsense.

  • [es] 09:22 9 sep 2015 MarcoAurelio (Discusión | contribuciones | bloquear) modificó el estado de la cuenta global «User:TGXD Corporation@global»: establecido locked; eliminado (none) (Spam-only account)
  • [de] 09:22, 9. Sep. 2015 MarcoAurelio (Diskussion | Beiträge | Sperren) hat den Status für das globale Konto „User:TGXD Corporation@global“ geändert: locked gesetzt; (none) gelöscht (Spam-only account)

It looks like centralauth-log-status-locked, centralauth-log-status-hidden and centralauth-log-status-oversighted are not translated despite being in the i18n file for the extension.

I'd further propose to return using the old messages:

"centralauth-log-entry-lock": "locked global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-unlock": "unlocked global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-hide": "hid global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-unhide": "unhid global account \"$1\"",
"centralauth-log-entry-lockandhide": "locked and hid global account \"$1\"",


"centralauth-log-entry-lockandsuppress": "locked and suppressed global account \"$1"",
"centralauth-log-entry-unsuppress": "unsuppressed global account \"$1"\",

which are more intuitive and correct than the current ones.

Event Timeline

MarcoAurelio raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
MarcoAurelio updated the task description. (Show Details)
MarcoAurelio added subscribers: MarcoAurelio, MF-Warburg.

It's currently showing using the content language. We should migrate CentralAuth's logging to the new system and also get rid of the @global thing. (The new gblrename logs also doesn't have these)

Change 240124 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Add log formatter for globalauth/setstatus and suppress/setstatus logs

Change 240124 abandoned by Glaisher:
Add log formatter for globalauth/setstatus and suppress/setstatus logs

Per Siebrand. I will try to migrate it to the new system when I have time to do it.