Pete LePage

Thoughts on web development, life, and photography.

Testing QuotaExceededError by simulating a small disk

An unhandled QuotaExceededError when writing to IndexedDB or the Cache Storage API can cause user data loss. That’s why it’s critical to handle them properly. But, because modern computers typically have large hard drives, exceeding your quota can be hard to test.

In Chrome, one way to simulate a small drive so that you can properly test how your code behaves when it hits a QuotaExceededError is to put the user profile directory on a small RAM disk using the --user-data-dir flag. Since Chrome bases its storage quota on the size of the disk where the user profile is, the small RAM disk will limit the storage quota significantly.

To create a 500M RAM disk on macOS, then start Chrome, I used:

diskutil erasevolume HFS  ramDisk $(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://980000)
open -a "Google Chrome Canary" --args --user-data-dir=/Volumes/ramDisk

I know you can do this on Windows and Linux as well, I’m just not sure the command line required to create a RAM disk for each. Using a RAM disk also makes it super easy to blow away the profile directory and start fresh, without any service workers or anything like that.

Want to learn more about web storage, check out my article Storage for the web and Persistent storage on