the web performance conference 14-15 November 2024, Amsterdam 2018

On 8th and 9th of November 2018 the inaugural conference took place in Amsterdam, a single track conference with sixteen world-class speakers covering today’s most important web performance insights.

On this page, you'll find links to all videos and available slides. If you want to get an idea of our event, watch our compilation video, see our photos or read some testimonials.

Subscribe for conference announcements or follow @PerfNowConf

Time Thursday, November 8th Friday, November 9th
08:00Doors open, breakfast, coffee, tea & registration
Welcome by Tim KadlecWelcome by Steve Souders
09:00Steve Souders Making JavaScript FastTim Kadlec The Long-Tail of Performance
09:50Harry Roberts Third Party GovernanceYoav Weiss Resource Loading
10:40Break, tea, coffee, sweets & fruits
11:10Anna Migas Debugging UI Perf IssuesKornel Lesiński Optimizing Images
12:00Adrian Holovaty Geeking out with Performance TweaksKatie Sylor-Miller Performance Archeology
12:50Lunch, quiche, smoothies, soup, pasta, sandwiches & wraps
13:50Zach Leatherman FontsJason Grigsby PWA Challenges
14:40Natasha Rooney ProtocolsScott Jehl Balancing Performance with Other Requirements
15:30Break, coffee, tea, sodas, fruits & chocolate
16:00Andrew Betts Fun with HTTP HeadersMichelle Vu Building the Foundations for Performance
16:50Tammy Everts Rendering Metrics & UXPaul Irish Closing keynote
Thanks by Tim KadlecThanks by Steve Souders
18:00Party, drinks, food & mingling Sponsored by SpeedCurveParty, conversations, food & drinks Sponsored by Catchpoint

Steve Souders

SpeedCurve, @souders

Steve works at SpeedCurve on the interplay between performance and design. He previously served as Google's Head Performance Engineer, Chief Performance Yahoo!, and Fastly's Chief Performance Officer. Steve pioneered much of the work in the world of web performance. He authored High Performance Web Sites and Even Faster Web Sites. He created many performance tools and services including YSlow, HTTP Archive, Episodes, ControlJS, and Browserscope. Steve taught CS193H: High Performance Web Sites at Stanford and served as co-chair of Velocity, the web performance and operations conference from O'Reilly.

Make JavaScript Faster

Everyone loves fast sites. While "make your site faster" is a simple mantra, the actual steps to achieve this can be daunting. Fortunately, we know where to start: JavaScript. JavaScript consumes twice as much CPU as loading, layout, and rendering combined. Byte-for-byte, JavaScript inflicts more delays on sites than any other resource, and yet the amount of JavaScript on sites continues to grow.

In this session you'll learn the latest techniques for measuring and improving the impact JavaScript on your site, including: using the User Timing Spec and Long Tasks API to track the CPU cost of JavaScript for real users, moving expensive JavaScript off the main thread, using code coverage tools to reduce your JavaScript, and understanding why defer is probably a better technique than async for loading JavaScript.

Video, slides

Harry Roberts

Independent, @csswizardry

With a client list including Google, Unilever, and the United Nations, Harry is an award-winning Consultant Front-end Architect who helps organisations and teams across the globe to plan, build, and maintain product-scale UIs.

A Google Developer Expert, and Performance Ambassador for SHIFT Commerce, he writes on the subjects of CSS architecture, performance, and scalability at, develops and maintains inuitcss, authored CSS Guidelines, and Tweets at @csswizardry.

It's My (Third) Party and I'll Cry If I Want To

Like it or not, a huge part of modern web development involves the use of third-party providers: fonts, analytics, ads, tracking, and more all have an impact of performance, and can leave us (or, more worryingly, our visitors) susceptible to performance degradation.

In this talk, we'll take a look at unruly or uninvited (third-)party guests: how to detect them, how to audit them, and how to manage them. We'll also look at the different tools available to help us stress-test and quantify the overhead these third parties bring, and what that means for users and businesses alike.

Video, slides

Anna Migas

Lunar Logic, @szynszyliszys

Anna works as a Front-end Developer and Designer at Lunar Logic, the no-management software house based in Kraków, Poland. She is always trying to find ways to make people fall in love with coding and has a long history of organizing coding workshops for WebMuses and Rails Girls. She recently gained a title of Google Developer Expert. In her spare time she is skateboarding, travelling and reading sci-fi and fantasy books.

Fast but not Furious: Debugging User Interaction Performance Issues

Perceived performance is not only about fast page loads and delivering the content as early as possible. It is also about all the interactions happening on an already loaded page. Even some of the most popular UI patterns can be a cause of frustration. Understanding what is happening under the browser's hood can help you delight users with a smooth experience and avoid potential performance issues. Let's demystify the rendering process and look into possible optimisations in order to achieve the best experience after the initial page load.

During the talk you will learn: - what the browser rendering process looks like, - which UI patterns can be deadly to the website's performance when mixed with certain user interactions, - how we can help the browser with planning the optimisations ahead.

Video, slides

Adrian Holovaty

Soundslice, @adrianholovaty

Adrian is a longtime web developer best known for co-creating the Django web framework. His past work includes (a pioneering mashup that influenced the creation of the Google Maps API) and EveryBlock (which provided postcode-level news feeds for several cities).

These days, Adrian is building Soundslice, a music-learning site that syncs music notation with video performances and practice tools — all in your web browser. He lives in Amsterdam and gigs regularly with local gypsy-jazz groups.

How I optimized my JavaScript sheet music rendering engine

In this case study of, Adrian shares lots of performance tweaks he has used to make responsive sheet music layout perform well in web browsers.


Zach Leatherman

Filament Group, @zachleat

Zach is a Web Developer with Filament Group. He’s fixated on web fonts, static site generators, the open web and open source. His public speaking résumé includes talks at Smashing Conference, O’Reilly Velocity, CSSConf, and the Obama-era White House. He also herds the NebraskaJS meetup and NEJS CONF.

The Five Whys of Web Font Loading Performance

Video, slides

Natasha Rooney

GSMA, @thisNatasha

Natasha has been both a web and application developer before becoming Director of Internet Engineering providing expertise on web technologies and internet protocols to the telecoms industry. She attends W3C and IETF working with both standards bodies to support and make recommendations for better user experiences on mobile and across the mobile network. She is a member of the W3C Advisory Board and the Stack Evolution Group at IETF. She is currently obsessed with TCP congestion control techniques, Japanese video games, and runs her own YouTube channel on travel particularly across Japan.

Down the line: Evolving HTTP and making things QUIC

Video, slides

Andrew Betts

Fastly, @triblondon

Andrew is a web developer and principal developer advocate for Fastly, working with developers across the world to help make the web faster, more secure, more reliable and easier to work with. He founded a web consultancy which was ultimately acquired by the Financial Times, led the team that created the FT’s pioneering HTML5 web app, and founded the FT’s Labs division. He is also an elected member of the W3C Technical Architecture Group, a committee of nine people who guide the development of the World Wide Web.

Headers for Hackers

Video, slides

Tammy Everts

SpeedCurve, @tameverts

Tammy is chief experience officer at SpeedCurve, where she helps companies understand how visitors use their websites, and a cochair of O’Reilly Fluent. Tammy has spent the past two decades studying how people use the web. Since 2009, she’s focused on the intersection between web performance, user experience, and business metrics. Her book, Time Is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance from O’Reilly, is a distillation of much of this research. She also cocurates (with Tim Kadlec) WPO Stats, a collection of performance case studies.

How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics

Video, slides

Tim Kadlec

Performance Consultant, @tkadlec

Tim is a performance consultant and trainer focused on building a web everyone can use. He is the author of High Performance Images (O'Reilly, 2016) and Implementing Responsive Design: Building sites for an anywhere, everywhere web (New Riders, 2012), and was a contributing author for Smashing Book #4: New Perspectives on Web Design (Smashing Magazine, 2013), and the Web Performance Daybook Volume 2 (O'Reilly, 2012). He writes about all things web at You can find him sharing his thoughts in a briefer format on Twitter at @tkadlec.

The Long-Tail of Performance

Successfully, and efficiently, delivering a site to visitors involves a lot of moving parts. The server has to spit something out, which gets passed over the network to the requesting device. The browser takes over from there, coordinating with the device to try and deliver the page as quickly as possible. When things go well, we barely notice and if we're not careful, neither do our metrics.

But there is a lot of unpredictability involved and if even one step is out of sync—if the device is overtasked, the network spotty, the browser old or unexpected—the performance can suffer dramatically. Welcome to the long-tail of performance, where the real world happens.

In this talk, we'll discuss what happens when the web bumps up against this less-than-ideal day to day reality. We'll zero in on these "long-tail" issues and explore how to ensure your sites perform well even when things go wrong. And as we address these issues, we'll end up making our sites more performant for everyone in the process.

Video, slides

Yoav Weiss

Google, @yoavweiss

Yoav Weiss has been working on mobile web performance for longer than he cares to admit, on the server side as well as in browsers. He now works as part of Google Chrome developer relations team, helping to fix web performance once and for all.

He takes image bloat on the web as a personal insult, which is why he joined the Responsive Images Community Group and implemented the various responsive images features in Blink and WebKit. That was his gateway drug into the wonderfully complex world of browsers and standards.

When he’s not writing code, he’s probably slapping his bass, mowing the lawn in the French countryside, or playing board games with his family.

Past, Present and Future of Resource Loading

Loading resources on the Web has always been a performance hurdle. Late discovery, contention and bloat caused it to be the common performance bottleneck. In recent years advances in protocols, browser behaviour and performance APIs improved resource loading significantly, but there’s still room to make it even faster.

In this talk we will go over resource loading improvements browsers have made in recent years, discuss related best practices and describe various innovations that are being worked on to improve resource loading even further.

Video, slides

Kornel Lesiński

Cloudflare, @kornelski

Author of ImageOptim, Pngquant and a few other popular image compression tools and libraries. Performance Engineer at Cloudflare. Formerly, JavaScript developer optimizing Financial Times' mobile webapp.

Image Optimization


Katie Sylor-Miller

Etsy, @ksylor

Katie is a Staff Software Engineer on the Frontend Systems team at Etsy, where she advocates for and implements frontend best practices in collaboration with product engineers and designers. She is passionate about frontend architecture, design systems, style guides, accessibility, frontend performance, and teaching others. Katie recently co-authored the Design Systems Handbook and is participating in the Pastry Box Project, but her proudest accomplishment is creating to share her hard-won knowledge of how to get out of your git messes with a bit of humor (and a lot of swears).

Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archeology

There are a lot of books, articles, and online tutorials out there with fantastic advice on how to make your websites performant. It all seems easy in theory, but applying best practices to real-world code is anything but straightforward. Diagnosing and fixing frontend performance issues on a large legacy codebase is like being an archaeologist excavating the remains of a lost civilization. You don’t know what you will find until you start digging!

Pick up your trowels and come along with Etsy’s Frontend Systems team as we become archaeologists digging into frontend performance on our large, legacy mobile codebase. I’ll share real-life lessons you can use to guide your own excavations into legacy code:

  • What tools and metrics we used to diagnose issues and track progress.
  • How we went beyond server-driven best practices to focus on the client.
  • Which fixes successfully increased conversion, and which didn’t.
  • Our work, like all good archaeology, went beyond artifacts and unearthed new insights into our culture. We at Etsy pride ourselves on our culture of performance, but, like all cultures, it needs to adapt and reinvent itself to account for changes to the landscape. Based on what we’ve learned, we are making the case for a new, organization-wide, frontend-focused performance culture that will solve the problems we face today.

Video, slides

Jason Grigsby

Cloud Four, @grigs

Jason is co-founder of Cloud Four, a small web consultancy with big aspirations. He is founder and president of Mobile Portland where he helped start the world's first community device lab. He was the co-author of Head First Mobile Web and is author of a forthcoming book on progressive web apps (PWAs). He tracks PWA case studies at Jason is a sought‐after speaker and consultant on mobile and the web. You can find him blogging at; on his personal site,; and on Twitter as @grigs.

PWA Challenges

Video, slides

Scott Jehl

Filament Group, @scottjehl

Scott is a designer/developer at Filament Group who lives in sunny Florida, USA. Scott is a tireless advocate of practices that ensure web access for all. He is a frequent presenter at conferences throughout the world and is always chipping away at various open source projects with his colleagues at Filament. Scott is the author of Responsible Responsive Design (2014, A Book Apart), and co-author of Designing with Progressive Enhancement (2010, New Riders). Scott also loves to surf.

Move Fast & Don't Break Things

Webpage performance is a high priority for any site of scale today, but it can be easier to build a fast site than it is to maintain one. As a site's features and design evolves, its performance is often threatened for a number of reasons, making it hard to ensure fast, broad access to services. In this session, Scott will consider common conflicts between performance and features such as advertising, personalization, A/B testing, CMSs, and JavaScript frameworks, and share some practices that have helped major sites defend their speed without compromises.

Video, slides

Michelle Vu

Pinterest, @micvu

Michelle is a Software Engineer on the Performance team at Pinterest. She's passionate about performance tooling, working on optimizations, and fighting regressions. When she's not coding, you can find her hiking in the mountains, traveling the world, or planning her next adventure.

Building a Foundation for Performance serves millions of requests per day internationally across a myriad of network conditions and devices. This is the story of how the web performance team tackled the task of gathering data, applied a strategic roadmap across the organization, prevented performance regression as developers shipped new features, executed on the best opportunities to improve the Pinterest experience for our users, and made performance a priority for the company.


Paul Irish

Google, @paul_irish

Chrome developer tools aficionado (understatement) and Google web performance engineer, will present web performance metrics and measurements in 2018.

The Latest in Metrics & Measurement


During our first year, 374 people from 177 companies and 34 countries joined us.

Name Company Twitter From
Adam Babik Sauce Labs @adambabik PL
Adam Mcgrath @adamjmcgrath UK
Adrian Holovaty Soundslice @adrianholovaty NL
Agnes Ching Fixter @agnesching19 UK
Alberto Gomes Farfetch Portugal PT
Aleh Atsman Elmar Reizen NL
Aleksey Kulikov FORMIKO @alekseykulikov_ SI
Alex Komlev NL
Alex Painter Eggplant @eggplantio UK
Alexander Bartels comdirect bank @BartelsXander DE
Alexander Klug Klug & Milke DE
Alexander Knett Sigmatek AT
Alexandra Vargas @axelav NL
Alexandru Moruz NL
Alexey Gusev Yandex.Technologies RU
Alon Kaduri IL
Amaury Moulron @erakor US
Amit Kaspi US
Anders Olav Candasamy @AndersCan NO
Anders Rønning Capra Consulting NO
Andre Scholten Conceptas @AndreScholten NL
Andre Siedersleben DE
Andrei Rakhmanov Drooms DE
Andrew Betts Fastly @triblondon UK
Andrew Kowalczyk FR
Andrii Alieshchev Motorola Solutions PL
Andrii Velychko Drooms DE
Andrius Aucinas Brave @AndriusAuc UK
Andrius Kucinskas Genius Sports UK
Andy Davies @AndyDavies UK
Andy Lemaire Fenego @andylemaire BE
Angela van den hudding Mercash NL
Angus MacIsaac Element AI CA
Anna Migas Lunar Logic @szynszyliszys PL
Anna Safronova Shopify @annasfrnv CA
Anton Valickij Genius Sports UK
Aquilain Barvaux Key-Performance BE
Arda Pektas smava DE
Arie van Donkelaar MeasureWorks NL
Arjan Eising Irrvy @eising NL
Armel Pingault Netcentric Ibérica ES
Artur Baron Techniker Krankenkasse DE
Arūnas Kodis Genius Sports UK
Athanasia Makrygianni Springer Nature @nasiamakryg DE
Axel Nilsson Klarna Bank SE
Barry Horbal Advance Local @jwebdev US
Bart Vandeputte Sioen Industries @bvdputte BE
Bart Verkoeijen @bgever HK
Bas van der Toorn MeasureWorks NL
Bastian Böhne DE
Bavo Ceulemans @2mbkindiegames BE
Benoit Emile maisons du monde @bemile FR
Berend Marttin NL
Bernard Delbeke BE
Bert Pauw DSW Zorgverzekeraar NL
Bertrand Germain Prisma Media FR
Bradley Few HotelTonight @bradleyfew DE
Bram Bruines Tweede golf NL
Brendan Abbott Shopify @brend0 CA
Brian Weeteling Geta Netherlands NL
Callum Locke Play Pause @callumlocke UK
Carina Teixeira Mindera PT
Carlo Hyvönen Veikkaus FI
Cauê Marcondes Zoover NL
Celia Leijten Fluke Corporation NL
Chana Niyornram NL
Cho Garcia Casumo Services @choisux ES
Christiaan Laarman Coolblue NL
Christian Bromann Sauce Labs @bromann DE
Christian Schaefer Working Draft Podcast @derSchepp DE
Christophe Netillard ISIS Performance FR
Cliff Crocker Akamai Technologies @cliffcrocker US
Cole Ellison Squarespace US
Colin O'Brien Things BE
Conrad Koenitz Gelbe Seiten Marketing Gesellschaft DE
Cédric Lesne Cerebe @cerebe BE
Dana Grigsby US
Daniel Lloyd-Squires Eggplant @eggplantio UK
Daniel Stein kununu @codingcircus AT
Daniel van der Meer Tweede golf NL
Danny Joris Lullabot @dannyjoris CA
Dario Barrio @DaryBarrio ES
Dario Gieselaar Zoover NL
Darryl White The Net-A-Porter Group UK
David Annez de Taboada uSwitch @davidannez UK
David Carrus Gucci IT
David Freeman Namogoo Technologies IL
David Hund Valued Standards @valuedstandards NL
David Merrilees UK
Declan Rek De Voorhoede @DeclanRek NL
Dejan Rackov Klarna Bank @de_jan SE
Dennis Spierenburg @DipsausDennis NL
Dennis van Baalen @dennisvanbaalen NL
Dennis Westermann @dennwest DE
Derk Braakman @derkmdt NL
Dermot Dooley CarTrawler @ddools IE
Dieter Martens BE
Dilip Shukla ComeOn! SE
Dinesh Attri EX2 Solutions India IN
Diogo Teixeira Tsed Unipessoal @DiogoTimtim PT
Dirk Wiggers comdirect bank DE
Dmitry Shimkin Backbase @dmitryshimkin NL
Dominykas Dukštas Genius Sports UK
Dorus ten Haaf NL
Doug Sillars Freelance @dougsillars US
Dovilė Lapinskaitė LT
Dragos Stefan Horodnic Acasus CY
Eduardo Arias Bonilla ES
Eduardo Ribeiro Tsed Unipessoal @ejcribeiro PT
Edwin van der Graaf NL
Eirik Rathe Capra Consulting NO
Eitan Pick Namogoo Technologies IL
Elliot Veale Eggplant @eggplantio UK
Elton Kamami @pixel_grid NL
Emmanuel Hayford PL
Emmanuel Petrescu Amazon RO
Emmanuel Plouvier Prisma Media FR
Erik Jonkers Tweede golf NL
Esteban Beltrán NL
Fabian Krumbholz Netcentric Deutschland @fabkru DE
Fabio Moreira YLD UK
Federico Andres Bertolini Manfredi HelloFresh DE
Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos Futurice @f_papado FI
Frank Schiemann Das Büro am Draht DE
Frank van Gemeren trivago @frvge DE
Fábio Silva Tsed Unipessoal @fabscsilva PT
Gabriel Moncea Acasus CY
Gary Lin LinkedIn US
Gijs van Brakel Philips NL
Gábor Till Bookchoice @GaborTill NL
Halvor Eggen Capra Consulting NO
Hans Christian Reinl Working Draft Podcast @drublic DE
Hans Kuijpers HKweb @hans2103 NL
Harry Roberts @csswizardry UK
Helge Silset Capra Consulting NO
Hidde de Vries @hdv NL
Hilko Holweg Heise Medien @maczarr DE
Hugo van de Pol Tweede golf NL
Héctor Argüello Canals ES
Ian Kent Office for National Statistics @iankent UK
Irmantas Zenkus UAB HomeToGo LT
Ishita Singh NL
Iulia Iacoban RO
Ivan Akulov @iamakulov BY
Ivan Vanderbyl Tricentis Flood @ivanderbyl AU
Jacek Wasowski HERE Technologies DE
Jack Brouwer Benergy NL
Jakub Ziółkowski Wirtualna Polska Media PL
James English UK
Jan Thiel Techniker Krankenkasse @JanThiel42 DE
Janik Prottung BurdaForward @JProttung DE
Jarrod Stormo @stormojm NL
Jason Grigsby CloudFour @grigs US
Javier López Travix Nederland NL
Jean Blanc ISIS Performance FR
Jeroen Malestein @jroenmalestein NL
Jethro Dipotaroeno Elmar Reizen NL
Joana da Silva Carvalho eShopWorld IE
Joanna Erd El Passion PL
Joe Green uSwitch @jg UK
Johan Terpstra Yawiss @FCCoachJohan NL
Johan Voeten Colours @johanvoeten NL
Jon Jones Office for National Statistics UK
Jon Nilsson Capra Consulting NO
Jon Pearse @jonpearse UK
Jonas Barle Akamai Technologies SE
Jonas Fricker CSS Versicherung @jonasfricker CH
Jonas Tremsal ISIS Performance FR
Jorge Luis Betancourt Gonzalez trivago @jorgelbgm DE
Jorik van Essen NL
Jose Paredes Casumo Services @joseaplwork ES
João Carmona @joaocarmona NL
João Guedes Casumo Services ES
Joël Kuijten Fronteers @pm5544 NL
Juan Andrade Element AI CA
Juan Lulkin Klarna Bank @joaomilho SE
Juha Paananen Veikkaus FI
Juliano Rodrigues Mindera PT
Julien Egron ISIS Performance FR
Justin Verkuijl Philips NL
Katie Sylor-Miller Etsy @ksylor US
Kent Miller US
Kevin Korpics Quantum Metric @sciprok US
Kim Hogeling shopping24 @KimHogeling DE
Koen Kivits Fronteers @koenkivits NL
Konstantin Lekh Yandex.Technologies @konstantinlekh RU
Kornel Lesiński Cloudflare @kornelski UK
Krijn Hoetmer Qontent @krijnhoetmer NL
Kris Klepers @KrisKlepers DE
Kyle Tyacke AppDynamics @geekgonenomad US
Larissa Nerous baumarkt direkt DE
Lars Trieloff DE
Leonora Panagiotidou @leonorpanas SE
Leroy Doornebal Coolblue NL
Lidan Liu The Net-A-Porter Group UK
Lisa Klein Q42 NL
Lucas Lencinas Klarna Bank SE
Luis Almeida Mindera PT
Luis Calado Mindera PT
Luis Rodríguez Palanca Typeform ES
Lukas Venckus Genius Sports UK
Lukasz Nowak Motorola Solutions PL
Luke Camilleri Casumo Services @camilleriluke MT
Luna May Johansson NL
Maggie Wachs Filament Group @maggiewachs US
Manuel Garcia Farfetch Portugal PT
Manuel Madeira Mindera @maneljmadeira PT
Marc Dahlenburg Berlin Phil Media DE
Marcel Verkerk Go Daddy Netherlands @verkurkie NL
Marco Prins @marcoprins NL
Maria Kostryukova Bookchoice NL
Mario Ciabarra Quantum Metric @mariociabarra US
Marius Eisenbraun BUCS IT @Mr_Eis DE
Mark Ettema Coolblue NL
Markus Klug Klug & Milke @opus131 DE
Marlon Baeten Tweede golf NL
Marta Fernandes YLD UK
Martijn Jansen Qelp NL
Martijn van Duuren @Martijnvduuren NL
Martin Knospe DE
Martynas Kadisa UAB NFQ Technologies LT
Matija Grcic EMG Consulting @matijagrcic HR
Matijs Brinkhuis NL
Matt Darapour eBay AU
Matt Rose Shopify @mattdrose CA
Mauro Antelmi Gucci IT
Max-Phillip Wilhelm Klarna Bank SE
Maxim Tsoy Surfly @muodov NL
Mayank Dixit EX2 Solutions India IN
Meinaart van Straalen Kayenta @meinaart NL
Michael Baumgärtner Lidl Digital International DE
Michael Geers neuland - Büro für Informatik @naltatis DE
Michael Gooding Akamai Technologies @Michael_G_81 UK
Michael Hastrich @mchaste NL
Michael Kuehnel Micromata @mkuehnel DE
Michał Biniek Atlassian AU
Michel Kalis Key-Performance @michelkalis BE
Michelle Dalli Casumo Services MT
Michelle Vu Pinterest @micvu US
Michiel Koning Brainbrothers NL
Mihai Bura Amazon @mihaibura RO
Mihail Dunaev YLD UK
Mikhail Rogalev Osudio Spain ES
Mikkel Rom Creuna @mikkelrom DK
Nadeem Mian Akamai Technologies UK
Nadia Faya NL
Narcis Radu Adobe Systems Romania RO
Natasha Rooney GSMA @thisNatasha UK
Nathan Yapi Element AI CA
Nick Groenewegen Eleven NL
Nick Jelsma OrangeValley NL
Nick Meewis NL
Nicolas Mercky Boursorama FR
Nicolas Riedel DE
Nicole van der Hoeven Tricentis Flood @n_vanderhoeven AU
Niels van Midden @nielsvanmidden NL
Nikita Plekhanov RU
Nitzan Gilkis Imperva Incapsula IL
Nuno Ferreira CarTrawler IE
Olavi Haapala Futurice @0lpeh FI
Oleg Zender @zenderol DE
Omar Ben Hachme Klarna Bank SE
Oussama Zaki Klarna Bank SE
Pascal Korn DE
Pascal Kuster CSS Versicherung @kuschti CH
Patricio Rossi Come On @negro_pato SE
Patrick van Zadel Eleven NL
Patty Toland Filament Group @pattytoland US
Paul Calvano Akamai Technologies @paulcalvano US
Paul Irish Google @paul_irish US
Paul Schreiner @SchreinerPaul DE
Paul Vaneveld Valtech NL
Paulina Górecka ES
Paulo Pereira NL
Pavel Kornev SAP @pavelkornev DE
Pedro Silva Tsed Unipessoal PT
Peter Müller Siteimprove @_munter_ DK
Peter van Gils Catchpoint @PetervGils LU
Peter-Paul Koch @ppk NL
Petra Schanz Gelbe Seiten Marketing Gesellschaft DE
Philip Helm uSwitch UK
Philipp Mitterer EMundo AT
Pim van Die VI Company NL
Rafael Bardini @rbardini NL
Rainer Haug diconium digital solutions DE
Ramon Klanke BinckBank NL
Rares Munteanu Adobe Systems Romania RO
Remco Dekker Eleven NL
Renan Couto Netwerven NL
Ricardo Machado @pedrasmachado NL
Rick Blokdijk DSW Zorgverzekeraar NL
Robert Tillmann Emarsys-Technologies HU
Robert van der Elst Rietveld Licht & Wonen @rvanderelst NL
Robert Weber closingtag @closingtag DE
Robin Nieuwboer NL
Roelf-Jan de Vries Q42 @roelfjandevries NL
Romy Pohl Das Büro am Draht DE
Ron Derksen Wehkamp @ronderksen NL
Ronald Lokers Coolblue NL
Rowdy Rabouw double-R webdevelopment @rowdyrabouw NL
Ruben Amorim Mindera PT
Ruben Nijveld Tweede golf NL
Rune Kulstad Capra Consulting NO
Russell Allen AO Retail UK
Ryan Townsend Shift Commerce @ryantownsend UK
Sam Patel Catchpoint UK
Sander Heilbron OrangeValley @sanderheilbron NL
Santiago Pan Qelp @santipancar NL
Sarah Butcher Catchpoint UK
Sarah Märdian Märdian @smaerdian DE
Scott Jehl Filament Group @scottjehl US
Sebastiaan van Kerkfort VI Company @ba55ie NL
Sebastian Fastner Sebastian Software @fastner DE
Sebastian Stach shopping24 @StachOverflow DE
Sebastian Werner Sebastian Software @swernerx DE
Seisa Ito BinckBank NL
Senne De Valck A.S. Adventure BE
Sergey Suvorov DE
Si Wang US
Sjors Spoorendonk VI Company @Sjorsjes NL
Skjalg Teig Capra Consulting NO
Solmaz Abbaspoursani @s_abbaspour DE
Stef van Dijk @vandijkstef NL
Stefan Böck Portalix @stefanboeckname DE
Stefan Ledin Ord&Bild Reklambyrå @stefanledin SE
Stefan Steurenthaler Ströer Digital Publishing @stefan_steu DE
Steve Souders SpeedCurve @souders US
Steven Whitton @PantherAtNight NL
Sven Sigmond VI Company NL
Sven Wolfermann maddesigns @maddesigns DE
Sylvia Strack SAP DE
Tamara Forza @tforza NL
Tammy Everts SpeedCurve @tameverts CA
Terry van Elk Philips NL
Thijs Reijgersberg Werkspot @ysbreker NL
Thomas Kelly Shopify @thommaskelly CA
Thomas Timmers A.S. Adventure @timmersthomas BE
Tiago Nunes Mindera PT
Tim Brown Harry's @_brimtown US
Tim Kadlec Performance Consultant @tkadlec US
Tim Tornau Gruner Jahr @timtornau DE
Tim Vereecke Akamai Technologies @TimVereecke BE
Todd Parker Filament Group @toddmparker US
Tom Cafferkey AO Retail @tjcafferkey UK
Tom Dahmen SeniorWeb NL
Tom Hartwig Fronteers @tmhrtwg NL
Tom Maddocks AO Retail UK
Tom McCabe Squarespace US
Tom von Hegedus BinckBank NL
Tony Hadnutt Elsevier UK
Torsten Schäfer diconium digital solutions DE
Tsvetan Stoychev @ceckoslab BG
Ulrich Schmidt Micromata DE
Valentin Momboeuf ISIS Performance FR
Victor Bastiaansen Kop Erbij @vicpuntnl NL
Viktor Honti GMG Hungary HU
Vincent Bruijn G-Star RAW @_y_a_v_a_ NL
Vincent Smedinga Informaat @vincentsmedinga NL
Vinicius Dallacqua Klarna Bank @webtwitr SE
Vitaly Orlov Yandex.Technologies RU
Vytenis Butkevičius LT
Walter Ebert @walterebert DE
Ward Peeters Coding-Tech @wardpeet BE
Wouter Geraedts Tweede golf NL
Yaroslav Borets Sauce Labs @borets US
Yeh Fang Sauce Labs US
Yoav Weiss Google @yoavweiss FR
Yotam Barzilay IL
Yousef Allaban HackYourFuture NL
Yury Tomilin Seznam CZ
Zach Leatherman Filament Group @zachleat US
Zeshan Jaffari Siteimprove @ZeshanAJaffari DK
Zsolt Kecskemeti Elsevier UK

Anything missing or wrong? Or don't want to be listed here? Let us know!

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